i'm back...

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sooo... idk where should i start ?
first of all i want to apologize to everyone who were reading this book. I basically ended it with a cliffhanger, but I didn't mean to do that so I'm very sorry.
Many things happened in my life and I didn't have time for writing and just stopped. I deleted wattpad and honestly forgot about this book.
Now that I'm back I can just say WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BOOK?
Omg I never realized how bad it is. The grammar mistakes.... Jesus there's so much mess.
I'm working on two new stories that should be done soon.                                                        I wanted to ask you guys who took your time to read every single chapter of this book would you want me to finish it or should I just have a new fresh start with new much much better stories?

p.s my english is much better now and i can actually write

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