Chapter 18 " ReUnited"

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A week later ....

" could you make a stop right here" I said to him.

" what we doing at a retirement home" Rock said looking clueless.

" I have a friend here I would like you to meet" I said as I grabbed the gift bag.

It was full of things Ms. Brenda loved from lays chips to mini snicker bars.

" well hopefully she cool"

" she really is, I think you guys would get along very well"

" we will see" he said opening the door for me to go in.

I signed in before walking down the hall where Ms. Brenda room was located.

I knock before entering the room.

" hey Ms. Brenda I want you to meet a friend of mines"

She looked from her magazine she was reading.

It was as if she seen a ghost while staring at Rock.

" Najiel.... is that you" she said coming close to tears.

He moved infront of me taking off his hat revealing who he was.

" it's me grandma" he said surprise as well.

Grandma ?

They both engulfed each other in a hug. they stay like that for a couple of mintues.

" oh my god I-I can't believe it" she said in shocked.

I felt so out of place that I wanted to excuse myself.

" I think y'all deserve some alone time" I said as the both stared at me.

" no sweetie no it's unnecessary"

" it's fine I need to go to the restroom anyway" I said which was very true.

I step out not believing that actually happen.

It's really a small world.


" you look soooo handsome"  my Grandma said feeling my face.

God only knows how much I miss her.

" when did you get out"

" for almost a year now my lawyer was able to get me off but I'm still on probation"

" well thank God you aren't in jail anymore" she said relief.

" true"

All of a sudden she started to cry.

" a-after that day once you went to prison I prayed every night and day that you kept your sanity in there Najiel"

" y-you were soooo young but I told you about hanging around those boys" she said taking off her glasses wiping her eyes.

" I'm sorry" I said choking up myself.

" I'm sorry for everything , every trouble that I ever put you through"

" boy you ain't gotta apologize, I been forgave you but please don't ever go back there again"

" I won't"

That was a promise I made to my damn self.

" does she know about your past"

I shook my head sadly.

" she think I'm the sweetest person in the world"

" Najiel that's almost like family and she needs to know if you plan on being with her"

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