knock life

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the video is gonna be me for a kuu ass minute y'all .

now that summer is coming to an end, PEOPLE FINALLY WANT TO INVITE ME TO DO SHIT

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now that summer is coming to an end, PEOPLE FINALLY WANT TO INVITE ME TO DO SHIT. like where were you when i was on my 20th mental break down, dancing in my room alone.

anywhoreee, so earlier today my friend hit me up, and we're having a nice conversation, then BOOM. he pops the question.

"wanna smoke?"

who am i to say no to a.) free weed, and b.) he said we could go get chicken nuggets after.

so i'm like i'm down, ion have any plans, then he's like "this weekend" and i can't bc i have to go to the party, where i'm probably gonna smoke, drink, bc yolo. i'm here for a good time not a long time.

so he's like okay maybe sometime during the week, which might work out bc my stuff is clean all i have to do is keep it clean for two/three more days.

and on top of that, my dad (she's my friend, but i call her my dad) is having a pool party, to have one last hoorah before school starts. where, surprise surprise, we're gonna drink and smoke.

gosh my parents would be so disappointed, all i do is smoke, drink, sleep, and talk about sex.

so to be rational, i decided to cancel out the bad with good.

1.) i decided to go on a water cleanse thingy where i put lemon and lime and sometimes cucumber in my water to clean out all the bad stuff in my body, which is probably gonna be replaced by all the weed and alcohol.

2.) i'm trying to go to bed early so that my body heals and rejuvenates so i don't look like a cross faded zombie. i'll problema start like next week, hehe.
( 8 HOURS OR MORE !!!)

3.) i'm gonna keep my room and chores clean/done so that they have no excuse as to let me out, and trust me they will find anyway to keep me from going out. stupid strict parents who monitor everything, grrr !

update: this detox water taste like shit i better become like 10x hotter before school starts so i can stunt on these bitches.

i'm so tired now, goodnight my little whores.

"and who am i? that's i secret i'll never tell. i know you love me. xoxo..."

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