No difference - Markus x Reader

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For Akashi_Nuro ♡ sorry for waiting♡

Markus was returning home after bying art supplies for Carl at the Bellini store. The city was peaceful, aside from group of anti-android protestors. He was about to change his direction in order to avoid them, but it was too late because they already spotted him.

'Where the fuck you going, tin can?'

Then someone from the group knocked him down. Broken glass was all over the floor, and he felt one piece sink into the skin of his hand.

Markus tried to stand up, but recieved a kick in the stomach instead. Why are they doing this? What did he do wrong?

'You're stealing our jobs but you can't even get up?'

Maybe something worse would happen to him if a girl didn't show up then. She made her way through the group, trying to get closer to the android. Markus didn't notice her until she spoke up.

'What the fuck is this guys? Leave it alone, this one is mine. Hey', she looked at Markus, 'hurry up, android.' She helped him up from the ground.

'Y/N? You own one of these things? I thought you lost your job because of them too' One guy from the group who seemed to know her asked.

'It's not your concern.'

The guy was about to say something but Markus and Y/N were already heading the other way.

When they were at a safe distance from the group, the girl's expression changed immediately. She was really... pretty.

'Are you okay?' She asked, concerned. 'I'm so sorry I acted like that. But I had to play along, those bastards wouldn't buy anything else. Are you hurt?'

Markus was shocked, hearing the change of her tone.

'No, I'm quite alright. Thanks to you.'

'Okay... Oh! Your hand is bleeding. Can I take a look at that?'

She pulled out a pack of bandage from her bag.

'You're lucky I just got back from the pharmacy' She laughed. 'Okay, let me patch you up.'

Y/N took his hand in hers and after carefully cleaning the wound, she placed the bandage on his hand gently.

'I don't get why so many people are against you guys. None of this is your fault.'

'Why did you help me?'

Markus wasn't used to being treated like a human being, except from Carl. But he's never seen this much tenderness in someone's eyes like he did in hers now.

'It's because I don't see a difference' she looked him straight in the eye. 'Our blood isn't the same color, but at the end of the day, humans and androids are one in the same.'

She was beautiful - but Markus didn't like only her looks. There was something more about her, something his android mind couldn't exactly understand.

Maybe he was overreacting, but who wouldn't if they were in Markus' position? He exaggerated every bit of care he got, because he barely got any.

'Oh, I'm going to be so late again... My parents are gonna kill me.' She asked him one last question before rushing across the street. 'What's your name?'

'Markus. I'm Markus.'

'Nice to meet you, Markus' She smiled. 'I'm Y/N.'

Markus stood there for a moment before proceeding to the bus station.

He looked down at the bandage on his hand and smiled.

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Markus was late because of the accident, but he was glad it happened. However, he didn't want to worry Carl anymore so he hurried upstairs.

'Markus? Where the hell were you all this time?' Carl asked him, leaving his bedroom.

'Sorry about that, there was, uh, a traffic jam.'

Carl noticed Markus' bandaged hand.
'You didn't get in some trouble, did you?'

'No, no it's not important. Listen, Carl...' Markus was shifting, clearly nervous about what he's going to say next. 'Um, do you believe in love at first sight?'

'Oh, Markus, do you have something to tell me?' Carl started laughing. Maybe Markus was finally becoming human, thanks to all Carl's efforts to initiate emotions in him- like that one time he made him paint something non existent.

'Well.. uh, there is this one person, I mean she-' Markus' LED turned yellow. He was burdened and confused about new things that started to appear in his program. He was also worried about Carl's reaction, maybe he wasn't going to accept him like this...

'It's fine, Markus. I'm glad you're starting to change and I know that it's strange for you, but you don't have a reason to be afraid.'

Markus calmed down and took a deep breath.

'Could you give me some advice about  confessing to her, if I see her again?'

A smile formed on Carl's face. He seemed proud.

'Absolutely. But do you know anything about her except her name?'

Markus' expression fell.


'Oh, it's fine, I'm sure you'll find her. After all, I'm sure there isn't a thing you can't do with flawless mind like that.' Carl nodded reassuringly.

'Yeah, I hope so.'

'Anyways, you should be completely honest with her about how you feel. Let her know that you care-'

They got interrupted by a knock on the door.

'I'll open it. Were you expecting Leo?' Markus stood up.

'No...' Carl frowned, 'I'm not expecting anyone.'

Markus rushed to the door and his mouth fell open when he saw who was on the other side.

'It's her!' Markus informed Carl, 'what is she doing here? Oh my god. She's carrying the package you ordered... I must have left it at the bus station.'

'Well', Carl winked, 'this is your chance.'

Markus opened the door.


'Hey, Markus' she smiled, 'you forgot this.' She held up art supplies from the store. Markus noticed that her cheeks were red and that she was trembling, perhaps from the cold and the snow raging outside. Judging by her dilated pupils, she was happy to see him.

'Oh, thanks' His heart started to beat faster in his chest. 'Would you like to...come in for a warm cup of tea? You must be cold, the house is really far from the city.'

'Sure', she smiled happily. 'A cup of tea would be lovely.'

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