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Hello there! Welcome to my self help book!

You're most likely here because you have some sort of problem, know someone who needs help, or you're just extremely bored and saw pretty colors on my book cover and clicked on it. Well, for whatever your reason for being here may be, I hope you find the contents of this book helpful in some way. 

I'm here to give advice, inspiration, tips, links and sources, and anything that I can provide you in order to help you. Please private message me if you're really struggling with something. The conversation will never be publicized so you needn't worry about me leaking your secrets to the public. I want to help you, not hurt you. 💚

If you have anything to add to a chapter, leave a comment for everyone else to view and grow off of. If you have fought a battle with whatever the chapter topic is about, feel free to leave a comment as to how you overcame the situation or how you are coping if you're still going through it. 

Remember, it doesn't matter how little or big your problem is. I will do everything in my power to provide you with some form of advice for it. You don't need to feel embarrassed or even afraid of the situation you're in. There is no judging or discriminating within this book. You're safe here.

I sincerely hope I'm able to help you. 


I am not a professional. The things I say and the information I provide are experience oriented or obtained from a trusted source. 

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