Gaining Weight

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Hello there. Today's chapter is advice and tips for gaining weight. Whether you're recovering from an eating disorder, or just looking to get to your ideal weight, I've come up with a list of things to do in order to achieve your goal.

Note: Remember that you're a beautiful person. If you're perfectly healthy, but you're teased about being skinny, remember that you don't need to change for anyone. If you're healthy and happy, who cares what others think? Live your best life the way you want to. Love ya.

Weight gain tip 1.) Start a meal plan. Don't change your whole diet in a day. Start off slow. Start incorporating more and more ideal weight gain foods as the days go on. Come up with different ideas of what to make for your meals so you don't feel clueless on what to eat. There's tons of ideas on Pinterest for meal plans and recipes if you want inspiration.

Weight gain tip 2.) Eat foods with more calories, more protein, and more carbs. Try to incorporate more startches into your meals as well. Don't live off of junk food because of the high calorie intake. Try to eat more healthier foods with higher calories. Eat more eggs and drink whole milk. (Almond milk is also good) Eat more bread and pasta. Eat more nuts. Eat more red meats. Try to make more hearty meals like stews and soups. 

Weight gain tip 3.) Make sure you're eating 3 or more meals a day! (Snacks are encouraged!) You can set reminders on your phone for when you should eat if you don't experience normal hunger cues from your body. Please don't force yourself if you cant finish off a meal. Slowly and gradually eat more as time progresses. You can start your new eating plan by, let's say, putting a slightly bigger portion on your plate and slowly adding more sides as the weeks and months go by. Remember to give yourself time. You're not going to adapt to your new food intake in just a few days. It takes time before you start seeing effects and results. 

Also, don't drink too much before you eat. You'll feel fuller than you actually are which will make you not want to eat as much food as you'd like. Take little sips of your drink in between bites of your food. 

Weight gain tip 4.) If you work out or if you're planning to, you might want to reshape your routine to fit your weight gain needs. Try to do more strength training to help gain more muscle. Beware of doing too much cardio as it will burn all the calories you're trying to gain. Don't over work yourself! 

Weight gain tip 5.) Set goals. Get a calendar or set reminders for when you'd like to reach a goal. Don't feel bad or ashamed if you don't reach some, but use it to become more determined. Start off simple and gradually raise the bar. It's really good if you have someone to help you along through your journey of weight gain. Get motivation and strive for success. Remember that every body is different and everyone gains weight differently. Just because Jessica from the office put on 20 pounds in a month or because Kevin from the gym put on muscle quickly doesn't mean you will. Try putting inspirational quotes on your lock screen or get inspiration from people who went through the same thing as you. 

Good luck! I hope you become the most healthiest and happiest you! 

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