Self Care

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Sometimes we purposely disregard any sort of product or procedure for self care as a "luxury" or a "reward". Well, I'm here to tell you that it's perfectly okay and it's actually encouraged to treat yourself and just do things for yourself in acts of self care. Even the simplest self care plans and routines will ship you on your way to becoming a more confident and better you.

Self care tip 1.) Start using lotions. There are many varieties of lotions out there to comply with your skin type and the type of nutrients your skin needs. Personally, I use to only use lotion when my skin was dry, but by using lotion after showers and before bed, I found that not only did my skin become softer, it became healthier. Carrying around bottles of hand lotions and hand sanitizer will definitely make you feel more clean and healthy. Carrying around oil absorbing wipes and makeup remover wipes are also the way to go if your face is oily or if you'd like to prevent acne. Washing your face before you go to sleep and after you wake up will leave you feeling more clean and, let's just say your skin will thank you. 

Self care tip 2.) General cleanliness. Clean your living space. Start by tackling the most obvious mess and then work from there. Vacuum, dust, sweep, mop, disinfect, etc. And yes, that includes your bed. As you're cleaning your room, remove your bedding and pop it into the washer. Spray disinfectant spray over any stuffed animals, your mattress, and throw pillows to ensure that you're killing any bacteria that may be on your bed. You're probably waking up with acne or irritated skin because you're nuzzling your face into a pillow filled with dust and bacteria! Just because it looks clean doesn't mean it is clean. Not only will you feel productive and accomplished after cleaning your room, you'll feel just as clean.

Self care tip 3.) Eating right makes a difference, I promise. I understand that changing your entire diet is difficult, so why not start off simple instead of throwing yourself into the deep end. 

Start every morning off with a glass or two of water. It wakes you up and it helps activate your internal organs. Drink a glass of water before a meal to help with digestion. Make sure to also drink a glass before you go to sleep at night as well. Personally, I get migranes often and I'm not to fond of drinking water because of the taste. You can definitely try putting lemons in your water as it has sooo many health benefits! Lemons contain vitamin C which is the most important macronutrient for the immune system, it helps with weight lost by boosting your metabolism, drinking lemon water warm can help fight diabetes, it helps improve your digestive health, and so much more! Also, if you just find water boring with or without lemons, you can try putting water into fun bottles and cups. It works for me if the bottle I'm drinking out of looks cool.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables! I understand that it may be a little pricey, but I can assure you that it makes all the difference. Try staying away from processed meats such as hot dogs and frozen meal meats. We don't exactly know what's in those half the time so it's probably best to stick to real meat like, for example, chicken breast. Try eating more almonds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and whole grains to ensure that you're consuming good carbs, too. 

(I'll make a whole seperate chapter on healthy eating and even chapters on how to loose or gain weight.)

Self care tip 4.) Doing more physical activity will benefit you. Try going on walks every morning before breakfast. Do yoga or simple stretches to stretch your muscles and reduce pain and tightness. Go outside and soak up some Vitamin D if you stay inside too much. Breathe in the fresh air and admire nature. Go swimming! Heck, if you can't go outside for some reason, Just Dance and wii sports exist. Also, there's tons of videos up on YouTube on beginner stretches and exercises. Just do whatever it is your body needs you to do to ensure your health.

Self care tip 5.) Try new things. Ever felt unaccomplished and unproductive? Try making crafts and art. Making paper snowflakes in the summer is fun and puts you in that same, cheery, holiday mood. Try to learn a new skill/hobby. I definitely recommend trying to learn the ukulele. It's a cute and fun instrument that isn't too difficult to learn. Once again, hundreds of tutorials are up on YouTube for you to learn off of and try new things. Knitting is also fun and calming. Not only do you learn a new skill, you also get an awesome article of clothing that you made yourself. 

Try studying more and practicing more on the things you already do. Studying for an hour or two a day for school will benefit you. You're having trouble learning music theory? There's tons of books, apps, and websites to help you learn. You want to become a better gymnast? Try taking dance classes or try to safely learn tricks from online. 

Go to the park with friends or family. Have competitions to see who can go the highest on the swings, cloud watch, go down the slide and embrace that childish feel. Listen to the sounds of squealing and laughing kids and the creaking off the park rides. Look at all the trees and plants and just breathe in that fresh air. 

Go somewhere you've never been. Treat yourself by going to that new ice cream place down town that just opened up. Do you always drive past a little shop that you've never been to? Take the time to go in and explore it. Who knows, by going to new places and experiencing different things, you may find a new passion or obtain a cool item.

Self care tip 6.) Pamper yourself! Have you been going to and from work or school everyday? Are you tired from working hard and bored of the same things? Treat yourself to something. Go out to your favorite restaurant on Friday. Have a spa night by putting on a face mask and relax in a bath to some calming music. Don't downright spoil yourself everyday, but treat yourself every now and then to show that working hard comes with rewards.

Self care tip 7.) Boost your self esteem and emotional state. Leave little notes on the mirror that say "You're beautiful the way you are," or set reminders on your phone to go off during the day that says "You're doing great! Keep up the good work!" Look in the mirror each day and tell yourself why you're awesome. If you wouldn't call your closest friend fat and ugly why would you call yourself that then? Do meditation to help clear your mind and be more open. Remember that your flaws are what makes you special and unique. What kind of world would it be if everyone were the same? Be thankful that you're you and try to live your best life. 

You're doing great so far, sweetie. I believe in you. You deserve to be cared for and loved. Have a wonderful day! 

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