Calming Music

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Having a playlist filled with calming music is good for when you need to wind down and relax. If you're ever feeling stressed or anxious or down in the dumps, go on YouTube, Spotify, or whatever it is you liked to listen music on and search up things like 'Calming piano music' or 'Music for stress relief'. There's so many benefits to having relaxing background music playing when you're trying to study or calm yourself.

 I really recommend listening to Brian Crain's 'Butterfly Waltz' 

Ahhh ever since @NDeMeer used this song in her story I fell in love with it. I constantly play it when I'm trying to wind down in the evening. Brian Crain also has up a bunch of calming music on his YouTube channel for things like meditation and studying if you wanted to check them out.

Happy relaxing!

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