Apps for School

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So I don't know about you, but I use my phone for literally everything. Calculator? Phone. Forgot textbook at school? Phone. Need moral support because I'm stressing over my Chemistry exam? Phone. 

It's become such a crucial part of my life as well as many others that I decided to make a list of apps and websites that can help you throughout your schooling. I hope you find use for these apps/websites and that they help you achieve whatever you're trying to accomplish.

App #1: okay so this isn't so much of a school app, but I think it will help heartbroken teenagers anyway. It's called Mend: Self Care For Breakups and it has a lot of good reviews earning itself a 4.7 star rating for helping people cope with their breakups. It basically gives you advice, has you give daily mood checkups, gives you guided journal writing, tracks your progress, and gives you a variety of interviews, advice, and stories to help you get over your breakup and ex. It's free and I honestly suggest downloading it if you need the help. 

App #2: Pacifica for Stress & Anxiety It helps with stress, anxiety, and depression by helping you meditate, track your habits, learn life skills, find peer support, and let's you journal your thoughts. You can set goals and even find therapists that can help you. It has a 4.7 star rating and has A LOT of good reviews. I think I might even give it a go. It's also free.

App #3: Bear It's a writing and note taking app that helps you organize your lists, lets you sketch, and helps you craft your notes. If you're unorganized like me, and need a way to keep all your notes in order, this free app seems to be very reliable. This will also help you organize your stories and characters for Wattpad.

App #4: Curious- the game of learning Okay so I've been using this app for the past year and I love it. So basically you tell it your interests and based off what you like or what you're good at, it will customize your learning surrounding that. You get a certain amount of points a day and can use your points for lessons. For example, I use my points to either watch lessons on writing a novel or on Psychology. It gives you questions to answer during the lesson so you can test your knowledge on the subject. There's also poetry you can read as well as many articles. If you like doing puzzles and challenging your brain then this app is also great for you.

App #5: Duolingo Okay so there's many jokes regarding this app, but it's actually really good if you use it right. I didn't like it at first; I thought it was stupid.. But now that I started again and took notes while doing the lessons, I realized how great it is. So if you don't know, it's an app that helps you learn pretty much any language by giving you free lessons and quizzing you on them. There's no scams that only give you the first lesson free and make you pay for the rest. It's all free and it's easy to use. I've been learning Romanian, a language that's hard to find teachers for, and my fluency has gone up sooo much since I started using the app. I definitely recommend it and I recommend taking notes during your lessons too.

App #6: Quizlet GUYYYYSSSSSS This app honestly helped me pass Freshman year. No joke. I sucked at Biology and Algebra, but by using Quizlet, I somehow managed to pass my courses. So you basically either make or find flash cards regarding the subject you're trying to learn and then you, well, learn. You can also learn with games and tests on there as well. If you're struggling with your worksheet, I suggest trying to look up the answers on Quizlet. I guarantee you'll find the worksheet answers on there somewhere.

App #7: Calcularium- The Calculator is apparently an excellent app for calculating and converting complex expressions. If you suck at math, like me, this could be the right app for you.

App #8: Okay so I'm gonna clump these few apps together (Pfft I'm not lazy..) Mathway, Cymath, SnapCalc, Photomath, and Socratic Math & Homework Help All are math apps that not necessarily let you cheat by giving you the answers for your math problems... But more so give you the answers as well as an explanation for how to do it. Just don't let your teacher know you're using them because they might actually break something (Some teachers hold serious grudges on these apps) Oh, and Wolfram Alpha is supposedly a very good website for math and science help as well.

App #9: Yousician Okay so if you're in band, chorus, or just in a music class, this app can help you learn to play your instrument or sing without paying money for private lessons. I've been using this for piano, ear training, and a bit of music theory and it does help a bit. Depending on how you learn, this app can either be a success or failure for your learning experience.

App #10: I'm not even sure if this is an app since I've only used the website version... But yeah! Slader has pretty much any textbook on their website and even has the answers too. I'm always forgetting my textbooks at school so I'll just search them up on Slader and hope they have what I need. It's pretty reliable and is easy to access.

App #11: Khan Academy All anyone talked about when I was in Middle School was this app/website. I've never used it and now I'm wondering if I should have. So it basically allows you to learn anything for free by offering you interactive exercises and giving you video tutorials. It looks reliable and can be a good source if you're stumped on how to do your homework.

App #12: Coursera: Top online courses So although the reviews don't seem all that great for the app version, this online tool still gets a 4.8 star rating. It gives you courses and specializations from top universities, helps you advance your career, and lets you stream or download lectures. If you're into gaining extra knowledge or bettering your skills, this website/app seems perfect for that.

Okay so I hope you'll find this list helpful and that you'll use some of the apps mentioned. If you've had experience with any of these apps, by all means comment about it. I want to provide you guys with the best resources and tools to help better your education and maybe make life a little easier. If you have any more app suggestions or maybe know of a better one than what I have listed, do tell. We're all here to better ourselves. I hope this helped.

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