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Nightcore:  I'll sleep when I'm dead

Y/N means Your name

L/N means the Last name

H/L means Hair Length

H/C means Hair colour

E/C means Eye colour

F/C means Favourite colour

F/F means Favourite food

B/N means Brother name


It's been a day since Nokada... passed. My older brother, B/N is uncomfortable sending me to school. He made me bring a sharpened ruler like that is going to do anything.

My legs shook while I walked along the pathway. I was heading to the flower shop, to buy flowers for the ceremony. I need a type of bundle that says, represents friendship, and possibly death. It is sad buying these types of flowers, but, I needed to.

When I arrive, I see Yui. Her eyes gazing at every flower. I stroll over, hearing constant 'no'. I begin to look at the flowers, seeing one flower that caught my eye, the stargazer. I begin to look for flowers to complement it. I find the snowdrop and the Eustoma.

I look over to Yui, who seems to be still having trouble finding the perfect flower combination. She begins to make a weird noise, it sounded like a parrot, but higher. I tapped Yui's shoulder, making her look at me.

"Hi," I say to her, as I smile.

"Hey, Y/N! How are you?" She responds to me, making it seem like nothing happened. I felt relieved but, anxious.

"I am buying flowers, you know, for Nokada.," I reply, making her mood drop. She begins to look down, to my feet. 

"I miss her, she didn't deserve to die.." She says, tearing up. So, I embrace her in a hug.

"I miss her too.."

After that, she couches down even more. All of the nearby people stared at us, but I didn't care. After a bit, she stops, so I let go. I soon let down a tear, but I quickly wiped it away.  I took one step back to give her some room, she brings to wipe her tears.

"Come you please help me with finding some flowers, I can't decide on which ones..."

"Sure!" I cheerfully said, trying to brighten up the mood.


The ceremony finally finished, and everyone was neither tearing up, anxious or completely heartless. However, I just felt anger building up inside of me. When I looked over at Asuza however, her eyes expressed sadness, yet she was anxious at the same time. Her body was shaking, looking somewhat... Terrified!

We arrived at the classroom, seeing blood written on the walls, perhaps Nokada~senpai's. After I saw that, it made me feel quite dizzy, I honestly I felt more like puking, it was that disturbing. I couldn't help but wonder in, reading it as it spells, "Mine". The teacher dragged me out, before saying...

"Class will be cancelled today! You may go home!" All of us heard, before leaving. However, Azusa, Jun, Ui and me didn't.

"I understand that this may concern you, however, please understand this for your safety!" She explained once again. Before I began to be dragged.


Sorry It is a short chapter, but honestly, I still have no clue who the murderer should be... Anyway...

Discussion Questions

-Why is there blood on the wall?

-Who's blood is it?

What if K-ON was a horror movie? (K-on x Reader)(Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora