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They pulled me towards the waiting area, however, I couldn't help but shove them away from my arms. My legs began to run towards the front door, despite how much I try to stop it. My eyes cried out a single tear, hoping to reach the other's before Miss Yamanaka finally takes their guts. I reached down for my pocket, clutching onto my phone. I began to dial Yui's phone number...



"Hello?" Yui's voice spoke

"YUI GET OUT OF THERE! MUGI JUST WOKE UP AND SHE REMEMBERS THAT MISS YAMANAKA WAS THE ONE THAT STABBED HER! YOU HAVE TO LEAVE SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY!" I yelled at the phone, earning slight looks from the people around me. At that second thought, I heard a muffled scream. The connection was now disabled.

Worried, I began to dial the police's phone number, explaining everything that happened so far.

"Thank you for reporting this, we will send the police to the school immediately" Their reply was, making me feel a variety of emotions: Relief, Worry, Stress, it was unimaginable. My heart continued to beat fast, faster than normal. It beat heavier and heavier each step I took. I knew I couldn't stop, I needed to get there!

I bolted across the pavement, knowing that the school was located on the other side of the town. My legs slowly grew weaker, reduces the movement of my speed. Soon, I lost the strength to run, I lost the strength to even walk. I looked around the area, as it looked like a small part of town which was climbing up the hill.

I took a deep, long breath before running my way up the hill. Because I know, Because I could tell... I'm not going to be able to stop myself.

Time skip- Nasss

My legs were on the blink to collapse, my body was sweating like hell. My eyes were beginning to turn red. My mouth felt dry, my stomach was suffering from a massive snitch. My wound imprinted on my arm was leaking a little bit of blood. My head was lighter then it should be. I should be in bed or even the hospital, but my naive mind tells me no.

I began to look at the scene around me, there was the policeman, but they were no sign of Yui and the others, even Miss Yamanaka. Unknowingly, I can already fell myself running inside the building, hearing faint, but understandable screaming. It was the policeman, telling me to leave the area, but I don't listen, as I keep running inside the building.

  The police started to chase me before tackling me towards the ground, my wound started to leak out a bit more blood, but it wasn't serious. My head smashed against the pavement, knocking me out instantly. 


Sorry, it isn't that long and it was a long update, but I wasn't mentally in shape at that moment. Anyway, discussion time!

-Is Y/N ok?

-Is everyone else okay?

Thanks for reading, hopefully, I'll update faster in the next one! 

What if K-ON was a horror movie? (K-on x Reader)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now