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I walked along the pathway, slowly swaying side to side. My head somehow felt light, lighter than it normally should. My arm was slowly leaking blood, all because of an earlier incident...


I was walking along the path, slowly but steadily. Her eyes drifted into each alleyway that she passed, alerting herself to any risk of danger. Then, when I wasn't paying attention, a tripped and fell. My arm hit the edge of a fence-post, creating a massive gash on my arm.

=End of flashback=

I finally arrived at the hospital, just as my wound stopped bleeding. It started to dry up, turning the hardened blood darker.

My two eyes strolled across the room, staring blankly at the snow-white walls, my hands trembled along it. I shifted my body towards the reception desk, stumbling in each step I took. When I finally reached it, I rang the bell. A nurse appeared in my view shortly after that.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The nurse smiled, brightening up the tension in the room. I stood in thought for a second before replying.

"Can you tell me where Tsumugi Kotobuki room is?"

"Yes, may I ask for your relationship with her?" She asked, which wasn't a bad one at that, as it is quite reasonable for what happened to her.

"I'm her friend, Mugi and me goes to the same high school. We're also in the same club..."

"Oh? She's located in the west wing, room 7"

"Thank you so much!" I said before rushing towards the west wing.


I arrived in the west wing, standing in front of the room Mugi was located. Room 8. I walked inside the room.

There was a bunch of teddys scattered in the right corner, right next to the hospital bed, where Mugi was resting. There was a stack-full of chocolates on the other side. There fancy lightening everywhere and a mouth-full of great good cards everywhere. There was also about fifteen different coloured balloons floating above the bedside table, which was right beside a red button. There was also a chair is the left-hand corner of the room.
I walked over to the chair and sat myself down, before slowly falling asleep myself.

When I slowly woke up, opening my eyes inch by inch. My hands shifted into the middle of my lap. It felt relaxing, soft, gentle... peaceful. It was like listening to the ocean waves, splashing around. If it wasn't for the tension, no, if Mugi wasn't in her hospital bed, it would be less threatening.

I walked out of the building, hoping that Mugi would wake up soon.

-Time Skip to the next day!-

I wandered towards the hospital once more, carrying a bag of sweets as a gift. Miss Yamanaka called earlier, asking the same proposal, but I still declined. It's not like the murderer is stupid enough to break into the school, the alarms will go off. The only way to turn off the alarm is a password, and from what I've heard, only the staff can turn it off.

I arrived at the hospital, before strolling up to the west wing. I followed the hallways, passing the cafeteria, the gift shop into the sector Mugi was located in. I strolled past the front desk, past room 1, 2, 3 and 4. Past 5, 6 onto 7. I opened the door, laying my present onto the nearby bedside table before I sat myself down. I closed my eyes, sighing that there was no improvement in her recovery. My phone began to ring, so, I answered it.

"Hello?" I answered, hoping it wasn't going to be any bad news.

"Hello, I was just wondering if you wanted to join us Y/N~san because we're going to be searching the school for any clues to help out the police. Since school is starting up soon!" A female voice spoke, which was certainly Miss Yamanaka.

"No thanks Miss Yamanaka, I'm just going to visit Mugi then go straight home. Mainly because Onee-san isn't comfortable with me outside the house since the murders and all." I reply to her before hearing a loud crash in the background. Then the call suddenly ended, which was suspicious, but she's a teacher, so she'll be fine, I hope.

I put my phone away in my pocket, before drawing my attention towards Mugi, noticing her arm was twitching. Suddenly, I jumped out of the chair, dashing to Mugi's side. I stared at her face, more directly at her eyes. Her eye's slowly opened sky-blue eyes. I immediately pressed the red button.

"Mugi y-your a-awake!" I stuttered out from happiness.

"Y/n-chan.... Is that you..." Mugi mumbled towards me, tilting her hand towards me. I began to tear up at that second.

"Mugi, your alright... is your stomach still hurting?"

"It's sore but it's alright"

"I'm glad, but, do you know who did it?" I asked Mugi, making her snap into realization.

"Y/N~san, i-it w-was M-miss-"

"Yamanaka..." I cut off, just as some nurses rushed into the room and dragged me out. 


I know it probulary doesn't make sense anymore, but I like writing this so yeah. Oh, and if you DO like my horrible writing, I'm glad. I'm sorry for the late update, I was somewhere where I couldn't access google drive so Yay

Discussion questions time!

-What is the teacher planning


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