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Nightcore: Demons

Y/N means Your name

L/N means the Last name

H/L means Hair Length

H/C means Hair colour

E/C means Eye colour

F/C means Favourite colour

F/F means Favourite food

B/N means Brothers Name



Mio, Yui, Asuza, Mugi, Ritsu and I was sitting around the table. Mio~senpai was slipping her tea, Yui~senpai was eating her strawberry cake, and Asuza~san was dramatically staring at Mio. Ritsu and Mugi however, stared out the windowsill. This made the air tense that a knife could cut it in half!

I gazed at my teacup, watching it splosh around inside it. Somehow, it reminded me of the ocean waves during our first summer camp together as a club! It was so happy and cheerful... then. Now, looking into reality, it's all gone, all because of Nokada~senpai being... dead...

"Mio, we have been here for ten minutes already! Can you please tell us already!" Ritsu demanded loudly, breaking the tension in the air. Mio only sighed at this.

"Remember what you said a couple of days ago?" Mio replied, making us all recall Ritsu's melt-down and the reason behind it. We all couldn't help but look down.

"Yeah... What about it?" Yui butted in.

"I think we should start our own investigation!" Mio~senpai declared, making Ritsu jump up with a revengeful expression.

"I think your right Mio~senpai..." Asuza joined in before pulled her hand up towards her chest. Mugi nodded in agreement.

"I agree, the more the killer is out there, there's a possibility of someone else ending up with Nokada~senpai!" I shout, jumping out of my chair, pulling my hand into my chest. I look over to Mio, who began to shake.

"And don't forget that the police is at a dead end with their investigation! It's about time with start our own!" Asuza stated, making a smile appear on her face. Most likely for revenge, I guess...

"So, what is the plan to lure the killer out?" Yui asked, making Mio's face pale.


"Wait, aren't you guys going to Kyoto on a field trip?" I cut Mio off.

"Yes, we are! Oh, that reminds me, I need more snacks!" Yui states, making me, mentally face-palm myself.

"Okay, this may be a hunch but... maybe there might be another victim..." I announced, making Mio~senpai curl up into a ball on the floor. I looked over towards the other's, noticing Mugi and Asuza nodding to my small hunch, however, Ritsu and Yui~senpai tilt their head to the side.

"What do you mean?" Yui shouted, before jumping up, out of her chair.

"Hear me out, if the killer is planning to murder someone during the field trip, we know what year level to look out for... However, if it happens here, in school, we know it's one of the lower grades" I explained, while slowly, but steadily, standing up.

"However, it's only a hunch", I add in, making tears form in my eyes. Even though I mentioned it, I don't want this to happen, never again...

"I agree with Y/N~chans judgement! If we are going and try to lure the killer out, it will be too risky, it's basically a suicide mission. So, getting enough clues to assume someone is the best way to go!" Asuza blurted out, making a pale face appear on Ritsu's. Yui and Mugi nodded in this statement, however, Mio's reaction was another story. She was unconscious on the floor, letting the life be sucked out of her. So Asuza ran up to her, trying to maintain her life-force.

"Okay, let's go people!" Ritsu~senpai shouted.


Okay, I know that it isn't great, however now I'm trying to spice it up a little bit. Okay, now Discussion Questions!

-Is Y/N hunch correct, if so, who will it be?

-Should they actually lure out the murder instead?

-Where is a teacher when you need one?

Oh, and feel free to comment, I enjoy reading peoples reactions to my horrible writing! 😊

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