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My head ached in pain, the sound of high pitched squeals which was what I could only hear. Something was wrapped around my arm, as it felt more comfortable then threatening in my opinion. Then reality hit me, shocking me out of my previous gaze, I dramatically opened my eyes.

My legs forced my body off the platform I was on, leaving scratch marks on it. I quickly scanned the area, analysing the direction I needed to go. Once my eyes landed on a doorway, I rushed out. I was running through an endless white hallway, unable to stop. My heart was pounding fast. My head was circling around with anxiety.

Once the hallway came to a stop, only a big white door connecting the other side. I bashed it open, revealing some people who I honestly didn't expect. My father, the father who only came home on Christmas eve. And my mother, the mother who always followed dad everywhere, like a lost puppy.

"Dad, Mom, what are you doing here?" I instantly asked, staring at my mother's pure brown eyes. At that second, Mom and dad immediately turned to face me, before leaking out tears.

"Y/N, your okay!" Dad smiled, walking up to me. Mom followed before a giant hug came my way.

"Mom, Dad, why are you here?"

"Huh? Why wouldn't we be! You were sent to the hospital!"

"WHAT!" I shouted, probulary frightening the nearby visitors. Why would I be sent to the hospital though, well, the only thing I can think of is the wound of my arm. But that isn't enough to send me to hospital.

"Well, there was the deep wound in your arm, and a fatal cut on your head too" Mother frowned at me, letting a saddened expression show. Wait, there's a fatal cut on my head! Hold on, how're the others!

"Where is Mio, Yui, Ritsu and Asuza!" I blurted out, looking my mother deep in the eye. Like a death glare, but less frightening.

"Asuza is alright, but I'm not sure about the other three you mentioned..." Mother cautiously explained, making me experience two familiar expressions: Worry and relief. I run to the reception, letting my hair sway by the force.

"Where is Mio Akiyama's, Yui Hirasawa's and Ritsu Tainaka's rooms located!" I forcefully demanded to the receptionist, earning a frightful gaze from her back.

"Mio Akiyama's is located in room 10, Yui Hirasawa is located at room 15 and Ritsu Tainaka isn't in the hospital..."

"She's dead, Mio's in a coma and Yui is badly injured..." A familiar voice spoke from behind me, which I recognise straight away. The way the voice was somewhat soothing, how it was quite settled...

"Mugi?" I trail off, tilting my body to face the direction it came from. I was right, it was Mugi. However, she looked different compared to the last time I saw her. Her hair was cut short, similar to Ritsu~senpai's, although a bit longer. "You're alright... wait, HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN OUT?"

"You where unconscious overnight, you didn't miss anything really. Oh, and I'm allowed to move around the hospital, but not leave the premises"

"Oh..." I trail off after Mugi's finished speaking. I darted my eyes to the ground, regretting that being able to save Ritsu, or even stop Miss Yamanaka from hurting the others. I should've been there, but, I know it probulary would've put me in danger as well. "Honestly, I wish I was there, maybe I could have done something".

"Mugi~senpai, even if you were there, it might of not have done anything. I'm just happy that you and Yui are alright" I try to comfort her, which probulary didn't work, but I tried at least.

"I guess so..."

It grew awkward after those set of lines. Our bodies were uncomfortably standing in front of each other, my parent giving glares towards us. It didn't seem pleasant. It actually shouldn't be, Yui's seriously hurt, Mio's in a coma and Ritsu's dead, not to mention Miss Yamanaka is caught as the murderer, which means she shouldn't be attempting murder anytime soon. I just want everything to go back to normal, how it was before the murders.


Today was the day the others are going to graduate, while Asuza and I will become seniors. It isn't a happy goodbye farewell thing you see on TV. This is honestly a bit depressing since Mio~senpai is still in the hospital, so she'll might have to stay behind. She woke up a few days ago, it's just that she is now really behind on her studies. Yui recovered from her injuries and is happily living with Ui like normal, so there perfectly fine. Ritsu's death impacted her family, as they moved four months afterwards.

Asuza is now the club president, which she does all her tasks on time. Mugi's father has been more protective and caring compared to before the incident. And me, well I've been alright, it's just I want Nokada~senpai and Ritsu~senpai to be there, but we're managing... Oh, and brother is in England at the moment with Mom and Dad, just to help keep Miss- No, Sawako Yamanaka in jail for the rest of her life.

I hope good luck will come our way, so we don't have to suffer any more than this.


Hi, it's the author, I know this story isn't the best, but I thank all the readers for coping with my horrible writing skills. Anyway, there's no need for the disscussion questions, so I made this instead:

Have a wonderful day!

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Have a wonderful day!

What if K-ON was a horror movie? (K-on x Reader)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now