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Y/N means Your name

L/N means the Last name

H/L means Hair Length

H/C means Hair colour

E/C means Eye colour

F/C means Favourite colour

F/F means Favourite food

B/N means Brothers Name



The bell went, and by that time, I was already in the classroom. Peacefully sitting on the chair, listening to each name the teacher calls out. I was dramatically watching each move the teacher makes, well, these recent events make me more anxious.

"Y/N L/N?" The teacher calls out.

"Present!" I reply to her.

Suddenly the door slams open, revealing my older brother. He storms to me, grabbing my wrist, before pulling me out of my chair. I try to run the other way.

"You're coming with me, young lady!" He shouts, making faint giggles in the background.

"NEVER!!!" I scream back, making him flinch. I pull away from him, before getting grabbed again. I began to pull away again while he tried to drag me, and sadly he was winning.

"You're in big trouble!" He screamed Okay, now thinking...

"No, I am not! Your cooking is!" I answered back, regretting saying it as it is possibly the worst thing I could come up with.

"EXCUSE ME???" There was a giggle in the background.

"YOUR NOT THE BOSS OF ME ANYWAY!!!" I scoffed, okay that's a better one.

"MOM PUT ME IN CHARGE UNTIL SHE COMES BACK FROM HER BUSINESS TRIP IN NEW YORK!" He screamed in my face, making me flinch. Okay, that explains a lot... mainly why mom isn't at home. However, I need to stand up for myself, I need to stand up for my own rights!

"I DON'T CARE! I CAN JUST TELL MOM YOUR DIRTY SECRETS!!!" I shouted out, making a few pale faces in the room. Actually, I am now wondering... Why isn't the teacher doing anything? I turned around... to see the teacher... SLEEPING? HOW CAN SHE SLEEP AT A TIME LIKE THIS???

"NOOOOOOOOoooooo" He replied, carrying the 'O'. He let go, before falling to the floor. Three depressing looking lines appeared over his forehead. Then the bell went, waking up the teacher.

She noticed B/N, with disgust on her face.  She stomped over to him. I quickly sat down, however, B/N just stood there.

"Who the hell are you?" She screamed out, making my brothers head jolt up.

"Ummm...... Y/N's older brother?" He answered back, getting up off the ground.

"I am well aware of that, now answer the question!" She ordered, making sweat-drop appear on everyone's foreheads. Well, apart from her. He did answer the question though!

"I did..."

"No, you didn't NOW ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!!" He already did, and what happened to language?


"IF YOU'RE SO STUPID THEN I'LL REPEAT IT AGAIN!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE?" She instantly screamed out. However it wasn't the same question, she asked a different one.


"GET OUT!" She yelled, before grabbing my brothers collar. She dragged him to the door before tossing him out. He landed on his back.

"DON'T LET ME SEE YOUR IDIOTIC FACE AGAIN!" She spat before slamming the door closed. She walked off to the board, writing something up. Making me have questions . 

Why is this teacher so weird? 

Isn't it against the rules to swear?

Where did she learn that monster strength?

"Now, can anyone tell me what is the answer?" She innocently askes, making me flinch on the spot...

-Time Skip-

The class has finished, and Asuza and I were walking towards the clubroom. I was looking in each direction, hoping to see my brother nowhere nearby. Luckily, at least for me, he wasn't.

We arrived at the clubroom, opening the door, we see our club members happily smiling around the table. I was happy since their mood brightened, but disappointed, because of how they pushed Nokada~senpai aside. 

"Hey, guys!" I cheerfully shouted, doing my best fake smile in the progress. They turned to face me, before Yui got up, landing a big hug on me.

"Y/N~chan! Asuza~nyan! Mio~ wanted to talk to all of us!" Yui shouted, making my ear-drums ache in pain.

I wonder what she has to say...

"Okay!" I happily cheered, or at least, pretended...


Hey guys! So, I am having trouble brainstorming ideas, mainly because I don't plan ahead. Mainly because I am forgetful. Oh, and I'm sorry this chapter sucks..... Anyway, I know it's small but I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Now to the discussion questions!

-Why wasn't the brother there?

-What does Mio want to talk about?

Hopefully to the next chapter!

What if K-ON was a horror movie? (K-on x Reader)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now