Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I sighed rolling over, I let out a startled scream as I fell. Opening my eyes I scanned my surroundings. I was in a bedroom but it was my dorm. I wore a silk white nighty top and shorts the ends of the delicate material decorated in lace. The door burst open and a shirtless Christian came running in spatula in hand. "What's going on? Faye?" he looked to the bed and didn't see me. "I fell out of the bed" I said attempting to unwrap my tangled legs from the comforter.

It was a struggle since the end of the blanket was still tucked into the bed. Christian laughed and set the spatula on the bedside table before helping me. "Where are we?" I asked as he helped me get up off the floor. "My place, I took you to the dorm but Glitter didn't answer so I took you here" he said as he led me out of the room. We walked down the empty hall to a spiral stare case. The metal was cold as I followed the stair case to the bottom.

"Woah" I took in the living room which looked more like a green house. There where house plants everywhere, the wall and ceiling on the far side was a large bay window with a door that lead to a court yard. The walls on either side were exposed brick. The furniture was white leather and steal. A couch stood in the center with two single seat chair's across from it. In the center was a table made of sheet metal. They stood on top of a plush white rug, the rest of the floor was white tile.

There was a fireplace to the right that already had its flame blazing. "I've been slowly working on it" he said rubbing the back of his neck. His action made me pause to drink him in. He stood with a pair of dark denim jeans that hung dangerously low on his hips. His muscles were well defined, his skin was lightly tan with not a single scar from what I could see. Running a hand through his sandy blonde hair he let out a long breathe. "Faye we have to talk." Walking past me he headed to the right into the dining room.

Following after him my heart fluttered at what the possibilities of this talk. "Ummm about what?" I stammered out my response. His open ended statement left me nervous. "Sit" he said pointing to the small dining room table. On the table were two place settings and two wine glasses with water in them. I slowly sank into my seat and played with the end of the lace on my shirt. I'd never own anything like this so I wasn't sure where it had come from.

Christian came back with a large tray, on the tray were pancakes caked with peanut butter. He set three in front of me and handed me a strawberry syrup. My eyes widened how had he known my favorite breakfast. "Faye we might have just met but somethings never change." He spoke deeply. Looking up at him I was surprised to see him see him so close. He pulled his chair close to mine and sat down with his own pancakes.

I looked back down at the pancakes still in disbelief, I picked up my fork and began cutting the pancakes into triangles. "Eat please" he said nudging my plate with his wrist. He had noticed I was just pushing the food around my plate. Begrudgingly I took a bit and almost moaned. We sat quietly eating and my anxiety continued to grow. My breathing became uneven and I shoved myself out of the chair. Christian stood instantly reaching to steady me.

"Don't touch me. Where's the washroom?" I rushed out. He pointed toward a door to the left of the kitchens entrance. I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. Gripping the edge of the sink I stared into the mirror. I was flushed and my hair looked wild. There was a light tap on the door "Faye?" Christian whispered I rushed back and locked the door before sliding down to sit on the cold tile. "Faye please come out here" he said this time louder. Shaking my head I said nothing, I couldn't handle him and whatever he needed to say. I was already attached to him and what we had begun to become. Seeing how much Jake already loved Glitter, I wanted that. Finding a mate doesn't happen to humans like it does to the paranormal community.

"If you're going to stay in there, and not respond to me. I'm coming in after you" ignoring his words I continued to stare at my feet. Christian sighed before everything went silent. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my head into my hands. Cold air passed through the bottom of the door. Still I stayed unmoved, isolation was my first and only thought at the moment. "Faye" Startled I looked up to see Christian crouching in front of me. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. "Talk to me?" he spoke softly to me.

Take me home. I spoke calmly into his mind. He nodded his head and helped me off the floor. As soon as I was on my feet I stepped away from his touch as if he had burned me. Christian stood and looked at his hand. I pulled the door open and walked back out into the dining room. Christian followed behind me "Let me get your shoes and a jacket." He said before leaving me and disappearing upstairs. Finally alone I searched out with my mind, Glitter can you hear me? There was silence for a long moment "Faye? Is that you? This is so cool" glitter spoke back into my mind. A smile crept up on my face Yes it is. Are you back at the dorm by chance? I could hear steps coming back down the stairs. In his hands was a large leather jacket and a pair of black Nike slides.

No we are still at the pack house dealing with the chaos. Is everything okay she questioned me her concern clear in her tone. It'll be fine I'm on my way home. He placed the shoes in front of me and helped me get in the jacket. He attempted to keep contact with me but I knew if he continued to touch me id forget everything. Stepping away from him I nodded for him to show me to the door. Slipping my hands into the pockets I felt my phone and wallet.

Following slightly behind him I watched his shoulders tense. Once we had left the dorm house I noticed we weren't too far from the girls dorms. "I can walk by myself" I start to say but was cut off with Christian's lips. I was stunned but didn't respond to his advances. In my gut I felt a stir of butterflies but I knew I couldn't give in. Determination replaced the butterflies as fire ignited in their stead. I shoved hard at his shoulders "You.. You can't just shut me up like that" I stammered out. Throwing my hand up I froze the scene in front of me, Christian included. Knowing it was my only chance to leave without him I took off across the quad.

I needed to avoid him for as long as possible. It may be impossible tomorrow once we have class together but for now it was fine. Once I was far enough he couldn't see me I released a breath and returned time to its normal standing. Knowing I had to work quickly I searched my surroundings, it was dark but the moon was already high in the sky. With a sigh I warp my arms around my waist to keep the oversized jacket closed. Quickly I speed walk along the path and around the building. Hearing steps behind me and gaining speed.

The steps increased and my breathing hitched, my heart jumped up into my throat. Baring down I turned with my hand raised to freeze my stalker. Letting out my breath I waved my hand and watched the twins look around confused. "Why did you scare me like that" I asked placing my hand on my hip. Both boys zeroed in on me before taking a very serious expression. "You didn't see the shadow following you?" Luke questioned. I shook my head, I hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary until the two started following me. "Glitter was worried about you and sent us to walk you home" Camren said "We are to make sure you are in the dorm with the door locked before we can go back to bed" Luke said matter of factly. I groaned "Fine boys lets go" I said turning and heading the rest of the way to the girl's dorms.

The twins walked silently behind me and I slowed my pace so they were close to my back. I wanted to make sure I was covered if something had been following me. Once we were in the building with the hall lights on blast I felt relieved and we all let out a long sigh. I giggled and took the stairs two at a time. "Hey no fair!" Luke called out as the twins raced up the stairs after me. Pulling out my key card I swiped myself into the dorm.

I held the door open and waited till the boys saw me. "Good morrow boys" I called to them as I shut the door. "Good morrow Faye" they said in unison. Closing the door I finally pulled out my phone it was still pretty early about 4:45 am. I could get a few more hours of sleep before I had to get ready for school. I dropped the leather jacket onto the couch and headed to my bed. I didn't even pull the covers open just landed with a plop and hugged my pillows. With a long sigh I closed my eyes, my heart ached for no reason because I never gave him a chance. 

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