Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"She'll be waking soon" James said softly as he attempted to shut my door unnoticed. I wish I could say I woke feeling refreshed but my sleep was restless. Sighing to myself I turned to see my bed vacant. I should have guessed, why would Christian lay with me when there are so many in this house hold that would flip out. Slipping out of the bed I headed to the closet. I left behind clothes I didn't plan on wearing at school. Pulling on a soft gray dress with 2 white strips on the short sleeves. There's a cross across the chest. Slipping my feet into my black house slipper I slip out of my room and creep down the stairs.

"Does this happen often?" I could hear the concern in Jakes voice as I rounded the last few steps. I stayed at the top of the last row of stairs. I wanted to hear what my brothers would say. "It's happened a few times" it was Hunter that responded. There was a soft glow coming from the living room. "Christian I'm sure you know. Others are quite old souls, and weather you guys believe it or not peoples souls come back. Taking new bodies. The older the soul the more troubled the person can become." My mother spoke next wistfully.

"Yes Others generally have mental health issues. They carry a lot of powers and are constantly changing and developing. Faye has depression and anxiety yes?" Christian's voice claimed the room, inviting and warm. "She's having another episode. She should stay home" this time Xavier spoke. "She doesn't want to" Glitters soft voice spoke up. "We are her family and we need to help her through this time" Xavier said his voice agitated. "Clearly you're the one that triggered this situation so staying here wouldn't help." Glitter spoke again and I couldn't stop the smirk that crossed my face.

Deciding I had heard enough I reached my brothers minds. Come to my room I turned and went back up the stairs. My brothers entered my room right after I did. I sat on my bed and crossed my legs. I lifted my gaze at my brothers skimming their faces. "I love all of you but I will be returning to school. I cannot further myself here." Speaking strongly I watch their reactions. Xavier was silent, hunter only nodded his head. It was James that spoke "Why does this seem like good bye?" he asked somberly.

Pain flooded my eyes as I fought the tears "It's not" I lied smoothly. I could see the recognition in Xavier's eyes. "Can you stay the night?" James asked. "I can ask" I said giving him a small smile. "Okay I need to talk to Xavier now." I looked toward him as he stood with his hands clasped behind his back.

I stood up as my brothers approached me. James kissed my cheek and hugged me tight before releasing me, heading toward the bedroom door. I looked up into Hunters eyes and I couldn't help my eyes watering. He placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead before leaving with James. Sitting back on the center of my bed I crossed my legs under me. "Xavier..." I began before he cut me off "I'm sorry." He rushed out walking over to the bed before he dropped to his knees in front of the bed.

Leaning forward I pushed his long hair away from his face. "I'm sorry Xavy. I shouldn't have said that. You mourn your way. What happened wasn't your fault and the goddess has brought you such a gift" I tilted his head up to look at me. He had tears in his eyes "I'm scarred. It's always been about Mia." His voice was thick with emotion. "I know and they will be patient." Xavier shakes his head. "How do you know?" I smile "Because they are standing outside of the door. You can't feel them yet the bond is too fresh and you're human. But they can feel you now. Your emotions have pulled them to hall. Their checking on you" no sooner had I revealed their presence they opened the door and slipped into the room.

Both boys stared at their mate. Xavier didn't turn to look at them just kept eye contact with me. "I want you to come back with us" I said sternly, shock registered across his face. "You're the mate of two Beta's of a pack that will be the strongest in the world come the next few years. You need to learn their ways and train." I explained my decision. The betas lit up behind my brother and tried to calm themselves. I had only given the idea a few minutes of thought but the longer I thought about it the more it made sense. He needed to train and learn the ways of their pack.

The school had a few humans there, mainly because they were mates of some sort of paranormal. He would have a new life's purpose and be able to be with his new mates. Also with his mates being betas they would be more possessive then the average wolf. Glitter and Jake didn't need one of their betas always occupied here. "I don't know.." Xavier began to protest but Camren rushed him. "Please, we already have a strong urge to protect you. It'll be hard to help the pack with one of us always here to guard you.

If you were at least on campus it would be easier for our wolves" he took one of Xavier's hands. Luke came to his other side "We know you're not ready for us yet and we will keep ourselves in check please say you won't reject us" I took in a hiss of a gasp. It had never once crossed my mind he might reject a gift from the goddess. "I would never reject something so important. I need more time for sure but for now going to school with you and Faye doesn't seem like a bad idea" he said looking to both of them. The twins grind ear to ear and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Good I'm going to need my big brother" I smiled too and pulled all of them in for a hug. "Faye you're squishing us" Luke said trying to wiggle away from me. Pulling back I let my hands trail down and cup the Twins faces. "I'm so glad you found someone so worthy of your love. You to Xavier." I smiled lovingly at my boys. "Okay no more gushy stuff" Xavier said standing up. "I'm going to tell mom and dad. Come with me?" he asked softly to his newly found mates. They nodded their heads and followed him out of the room. Letting out a long sigh I stretched my arms above my head.

I was feeling better, much better. "So I guess your brothers moving in with me?" Christian stood arms crossed leaning against my door jam. I smiled sheepishly toward him "Please?" He shook his head and closed the door behind him. He stalked toward me with a devilish smile. "Also can we stay the night?" Christian rolled his eyes "As long as we leave early to make it in time for classes." I nodded my head franticly as he closed the distance between us.

"What am I going to do with you?" he grips my chin and leans down to place a hot and heavy kiss to my plump lips. "All kinds of naughty things I hope" I whisper back before capturing his lips again. There's a giggle that makes me pull back to look over Christian's shoulder. Glitter had been the giggler as everyone including my brothers stood at my bedroom door. Jake had dropped what he was holding to cover his eyes. Looking at each of them I noticed they were all holding pillows and blankets. "No no no" I started to shake my head when James screamed on the top of his lungs "SLEEP OVER!"


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