Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I felt the lulling pull of slumber. When my eyes was able to open my eyes I took stalk of my new surroundings. I wasn't sure where I was or what was happening. I stood near the front window of a cobblestone farm house. The house consisted of just one room. In the far right corner was a straw bed sitting on top of a stick mat. The floor was made of wooden planks. A fire placed roared in the wall across the room. A table with 3 chairs around it stood in the center of the room. The only light in the room came from the fire. Turning I squinted trying to get a good look outside, even with the soft glow from the fire it was too dark to make out anything other than the large hunters moon in the sky. The blood red moon an omen of what's to come. Letting out a sigh I watched as the small clouds danced into the air.

There was a sound of thudding hooves as someone drew near on horseback. Leaning out of the open window I watched as the horse came to a skidding halt outside of the home. It whinnied in protest as the rider heaved at its rains. The small form swung off the horse and dashed into the house slamming the door behind them. She was breathing hard and holding her stomach. She looked worried as she leaned against the door catching her breath. I observed her silently, taking in her silver eyes and ebony hair. She was stunning and I knew immediately she was Nyxes. She rushed to the window I stood near, I stumbled back unsure if she would feel me.

She looked around wildly, almost fearful before pulling the wooden planks closed to shut the window. I reached out to her but stopped when she turned to me. Walking over to the table and sat down, again taking calming breaths. I began to walk closer but stopped when I noticed the trail of blood. Following it with my eyes I landed on Nyxes. She held her left side, her dresses fabric filling with blood quickly. She pulled at the bloody fabric showing she had bleed through her dressings. She hadn't died from Raphael's stab wound like Christian had told me. She was able to go to get help and someone had patched her up, or at least tried. There was a shrill whinny outside and a large thud. Closing my eyes I held back the tears as they started to form. The door burst open, whipping my head back to the front door. There covered in mud and blood stood Christian. His hair was wild, a Cheshire like smile stretched on his face. He held his sword up dripping blood on the soil just inside the house. Nyxes didn't move from her spot, she looked over at Christian. "I don't know who you are" my face scrunched up at her words. Clearly the man in front of her was Christian. She was speaking in a different tongue, and old form of Greek.

"My love, why did you run just except your fate?" He said as he walked closer she squinted at the man. "You lie. You're not my Christian!" She screamed lunging out of her seat so fast it fell to the floor. She couldn't make it far, Christian rushed her plunging his sword in her heart. She spit blood in his face as he pushed deeper into her body. "You were never meant to be." He whispered to her as her dead weight pulled her off his sword. Her body crumbled to the floor. I couldn't stop the straggled cry that came from my throat. For added measure Christian stabbed her belly "You are not to be born." He spat in disgust. I fell to my knees as I watched him kill the child. I began dragging myself to her form. Even though our soul had moved on I wasn't yet done morning the loss of life id just witnessed. How could he be so cruel as to rip his own child from this world?

Before I could reached her body the scene changed and now I kneel on the wooden floor of a room. The walls were made of stone, near the window in front of me was a large 4 poster bed covered in multiple layers of fur skins.

Elspeth sat on the edge of the bed in her sky blue gown. I knew what day it was and I knew what I was about to see. There was no way to stop it from happening. This was my own personal hell as I watched my past lives die.

She was crying, I could see the heart break in her eyes as she held a plaid close to her chest and read the note. As she stood up she walked over to the window. I'm sure she was feeling trapped, needed fresh air. When the door behind me opened and someone slipped in. "Go away" her Scottish accent floated to my ears as I turned to see Christian. "Lassy are you not thrilled to see a'ye?" his voiced carried over to her and I wanted nothing more but to warn her. I watched as her face switched from shocked to pure joy as he strode to her. He took her in his arm and gave her a passionate kiss.

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