Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Once in the hall, I paused to open the letter. The howling wolf emblem glistened at the top.

Dear Miss Everstein,

You are cordially invited to the meeting of the Alpha's being held on campus for your benefit. It will be held at noon on the dot. Do not be late. Below is a list of rules for the meeting. Even though you are not an alpha we expect you to still uphold the same rules.

You can only be accompanied by your mate or 2nd in command

No fighting/challenging other alphas

Best regards,

Alpha Jenson

Looking at my phone I had a few hours to kill or prepare myself. Humming to myself I continued down the hall toward the front doors. At the bottom of the letter was directions to the building on campus we were meeting in. Leaving the building I headed in the direction of the female dorms. As I walked across the quad in silence I couldn't help but think back to the dinner. No doubt this summons was due to that event.

But my only question was how they were going to take it. "Faye!" Cameron called from behind me. Waiting for him to catch up I turned toward him. "You have a summons?" I nodded thoughtfully. "I'm going to go see Jake." Placing his fist over his heart he bowed his head before leaving. Turning back I followed my original route to my dorm.

Once inside I dumped my belonging by the door before shutting it behind me and plopping down on the couch. Switching on the t.v I flipped through channels before I came to a stop on the news. The anchor lady was steadily reporting about the events at the dinner the day before. Turning up the volume I listened intently. "You heard me right! There is another in our mists. Take a look at this footage taken on a cell phone."

The video changed to show a shaky cell phone footage. You could make out me and Christian leaving the destroyed dinner. The cook began to yell and the crowd got rowdy. The video ended and the news anchor came back on the look of disgust on her face. "Can you believe that? She and her angel destroyed the place." Once the words began to leave her mouth I was fuming. There was a rap on my door, waving my hand the door swung open.

I didn't have to look to know who it was. Finally starting to recognize the mate side effects. When he was near it was like a slight hum in the back of my mind. Still staring at the screen I watched as the anchor placed two fingers to her ears. "It looks like we got the full videotape." She said this time confused. The video feed changed again back to the shaky phone footage from before. This time you could see me turning and putting the dinner back together. You can see how much I strained to get the building back to its original form. Christian caught me and scooped me up. His wings snapped out in their glorious onyx color.

"This girl doesn't deserve your cruel words" his voice boomed out as he took a step and snapped his wings dust flew around as he flew off with me. It snapped back to the anchor and she was still slacked jaw and took a moment to compose herself. Clearing her throat she spoke again "Id like to retract my last statement. Obviously, we don't know the full story but she seemed to put the place back together. Talk about a guardian angel." She said with a smile. I rolled my eyes "Speak of the fallen angel" finally acknowledging Christian in the corner near the door

. He had a cocky smile on his face that I couldn't help but smile back at. I stood up and for a moment I let myself relax. I just wanted to spend time with my mate, the one meant for me. Crossing the room I took his hand and lead him toward my room. "Faye this isn't a good idea" he started, I giggled at his flushed face. "Really? I just wanted to talk" I said before flopping down on my bed. Staring at the ceiling I waited for him to lay beside me. He sat beside me on the bed and I huffed.

"And cuddle maybe? Why do you make me ask for embarrassing things?" using my elbows to prop myself up I pushed out my bottom lip. Christian chuckled before finally obliging me. Once he laid on his back I curled up to his side placing my head on his chest. We both shuddered at the contact of our bodies pressed to each other. "So tell me about the first time we met," I asked closing my eyes. "Do you mean when I fell in love with you?" his deep voice vibrated through me. A violent shudder raked through me as he said, love. I nodded against him and waited for him to tell me.

How Christian Fell

Christians POV

It all began when I got assigned to a young Grecian girl. It may seem surprising because they believed in their own gods. A guardian angels job is simply to watch out for your charge. Of course, there are riles. Interfere as little as possible UNLESS they derail from their given fate. Her Names was Nyxes named after the Greek goddess Nyx, for she was born at night, her hair as dark as the night sky, her eyes shown like stars. She was 15 when I took her on as my charge. Day after day I watched her. She was beautiful and should have had suitors lined up at her door.

However, she had gifts that frightened people even her own family. They were hoping they could pawn her off on a man and be done with her. She had a strong tongue and stood up for what she believed in. As the days turned into months then years it was clear she wasn't going to have a husband. On one of the nights I was watching over, I heard her mother and father talking. They had sent a letter out to a man, and Nyxes was being sold to a slave trader in the morning. My heart was racing and I left my post to retrieve her Fate thread.

She was fated to be sold to the slave trader and to die not long after. Without thinking I took to the sky. Upon my arrival, her mother and father thought I to be Apollo, the Greek god of the sun. I told them I was taking Nyxes as my bride. She wasn't against it and I could see she was relieved to leave her parents' house. I scooped her up and flew a few towns over. There was an abended farm not too far off. It was owned by an elderly man who only had his two sons to take care of the property. The sons were called off to war and never returned. The elderly man was taken to a different city to live with family. I couldn't stay during the day my absences would be noted. She waited, I saw a light in her eyes when we were together.

As the days went on the emotions inside of me grew. Before I had only ever loved my lord. Never did I think I'd love anyone else even a human. That saying love makes you blind is all too true. I began to slip up and speak to her during cloudy days. She would assume I wasn't riding my chariot since the sun was gone. After days turned to weeks that turned to months I thought we were safe. I thought if he hadn't stopped us yet that he wouldn't now. However, while I was at my post, I was called in front of my lord.

As he sat on his throne he would not even look in my direction. Only brother Michael spoke to me and the words left the blood in my veins cold. "You have been brought in front of our lord for treason. You Brother Christian have been found guilty of interfering with your charges life." His voice boomed as Gabriel and Uriel grabbed me by my shoulders. I didn't struggle at first because I knew this could happen. "You have lengthened your charges life do you have any explanation for yourself?" Michael looked down at me from the steps in front of our father.

My head hung in defeat I didn't dare answer I couldn't risk getting in more trouble. "We will have to correct this" Michael said with a wave of his hand. I was dragged over to an orb where a scene was playing out. Raphael must have been sent to earth because I watched him in front of our window. He waved to Nyxes as he pulled a dagger from his back. I surged up attempting to break free from my brothers. "Nooooo don't." I looked to Michael tears flooding my eyes "Don't!" my voice was pathetic. I fought to get away, my eyes never leaving the orb. I watched as he took her life, left her to bleed out on the floor in our home.

I screamed as I sunk to the floor all the fight gone from me. My brothers looked at me with such confusion. Still being held up by my arms Michael approached me. "Why are you reacting like this?" he stated. Knowing I had lost everything I had cared about "I loved her" my voice was nothing more than a pained whisper but it was headed by my brothers and lord. "You have Sinned" The lord's voice echoed in my head and within the instant, my brothers dragged me to the edge of the heavens.

I want to tell you I fought back but I didn't, I no longer cared. For I knew I had sinned, not to the lord but to her. I had betrayed Nyxes. My brothers tore my wings and threw me over. That night I fell to earth, and I hoped I would never rise again.

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