Chapter One: Flash Forward

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Life isn't perfect the way it is, there's no doubt about it. But the way life can throw you around into a whirlwind of hell just doesn't seem fair.. does it? Nothing ever seems fair anymore, not even the way you breathe, or the way your shoe clicks on the floor. It's like you can have nothing right, like everything /you/ do is wrong. Not the way he does it, or she does it, but you..

Why you?

She sat on the ground.




Her life had been torn, into thousands of little pieces, hundreds of them you could never pick up. Alone was a thing she had come to love. Pushing herself away from anyone would make her happy. Not like anyone dared to come near her. Everyone hated her, or so she thought. Why? Why did no one like her? Because she was the same old self-pitying bitch she always was? No.. Not that?

Terezi swallowed hard, letting more teal tears stream down her cheeks. It was impossible not to cry after everything. Stupid. Stupid.. Her cries echoed throughout the lab, each wall letting the sound bounce around, like it was a game. Her cries were practically the same thing as children laughing. How it echoed, and it came back.. Almost to haunt you in the end.

Her cape was half placed over her head to hide her face, to hide her growing tears. She was sick and tired of everything. Everyone. Every little movement. It was just.. the time.


She gently pulled a blade from her back pocket, fumbling with it in her hands for a few moments. She turned her wrists out, looking at the several already made, almost healed, scars that laid there, in reminder for everything that had happened.There were also the few more recent ones, that brought bck the more current memories of himthat asshole.

The Libra flicked it open, yet another sound echoing through the room. Not a deaf person in this scratch not to hear it, I suppose. Her tears and whimpers had stopped, as her red gleaming eyes stared at the knife aimlessly. It wasnt like she could actually take note of it, for her it was just something that gave her closure. Something, sharp, and pointy, that made half her pain turn into something else. Relief.

There it went, nearly doing the work itself. Sawing back and forth on the softest skin there ever was. Over and over, the movement had become second nature. She stopped, rather bluntly as she started to feel a liquid come out from the slices. Terezi turned her wrist over, letting a few, teal drips fall to the tiled floor. The sound made her crack a smile as a few warm tears fell down the side of her face.

It was perfect.. It really was. Until something hit her. Not physically.. No, not this time. It was like a wave of warm air went through her body, as she heard the faintest word..


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