Chapter Eight: Time For Talking

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Karkat woke up from his knock out about fifteen minutes later. He groaned slightly rubbing his head. It took him a few more minutes of laying there in agony to finally try to sit up. The pain in his head was huge. It was like a pile of bricks had fallen onto him.

It took him at least ten more minutes before he stood up, getting extremely dizzy. He rushed over to the wall for support, using it to guide him to the door. His face was pale as it finally hit the outside lights of the lab. Karkat continued to use the wall until he felt confident enough to walk without it.

Karkat went and sat by the vents, hoping for Gamzee to return. If he couldn't talk to Terezi, and Dave obviously did not want to think of his pure existence right now. He sighed calmly, leaning against the wall. He heard the small foot steps of someone, probably Kanaya. But they found there way to Karkat, standing in front of him.

"What's all'en up with you motherfuckin' eye?" The male asked calmly, crouching down to be on the same level as Karkat. He always seemed to appear in the most randomest of places and the oddest times. Gamzee gently pressed his cool hand on Karkat's eye. It had already began to turn black and blue.. He winced as it was touched.

"I fell and bumped into a table, that's all." Karkat muttered, calmly pushing Gamzee's hand away from his face. Although it was a lie, Gamzee seemed to believe it by the way he looked. Karkat set his own hand on his eye. He didn't want to believe it was there, or feel it there.. Not at all. But alas it was there, it was real. Dave had punched him, and left him there to pass out, wake up on his own.. Suffer.

Gamzee sighed quietly as he shifted, sitting next to Karkat. His arm slumped around the smaller male's shoulders, he tried to smile. "Karbro, you don't need to keep all of those feelings up inside." He chuckled slightly, giving him a squeeze. It was obvious he wanted to lash out, his eyes showed it. But somehow he managed to control himself enough for Karkart. "I know how it MOTHERF-fuckin feELS." His grip tightened.

"G-Gamzee." Karkat careful set a hand on his cheek, rubbing back and forth. "Calm down.. Look okay.." Karkat began to tell Gamzee what happened, in vivid detail. Gamzee's facial expression made him seem like he was actually there. He told him about coaxing him into the room, then screaming at him. Then the hit, and the knocking out. He trailed off, pulling at a loose thread.

The clown didn't speak, he only stood. He glanced down at Karkat. He quivered, making a smile, then left Karkat sitting on the steps again. Karkat always seemed to be left confused when he sat here, all alone. It was like he had missed something extremly important. He slumped over, resting his cheek on his fist. "Ugh, what the hell is he up to?" He finally spoke out. He didn't have the effot to go and find him, so he laid down, closing his eyes. Maybe he'd fall asleep for just a moment.


"Strider.." The youngest Makara chuckled, walking in his direction. His walk was a bit stumbly, but it was calm, and relaxed, surprisingly. "We need to have a motherFUCKIN' talk, if that's ALL OKAY with YOU? And if you areN'T." He chuckled deeper, shaking his head. "well, WELL, you'll just have to DEAL WITH IT MY FRIEND." Gamzee kept chuckling, Dave looking at him disgusted.

"I don't want anything to do with you." He spat at him, turning his back to him. What the hell did that freak want? Gamzee didn't ever want to speak with Dave, and that was all okay with Dave. "But fine, whatever, it's not like I care." Dave muttered, turning around. He hated the fact that Gamzee was taller than him, even though Dave didn't believe it, he was a little intimidating.

"GOOD, good, GOOD, Strider." Gamzee was practically grinning from ear to ear, the three long scratches across his face growing as he did so. They looked like they could burst any minute. "Maybe we should take this into a PRIVATE PLACE? That's what you did with KARBROTHER, DIDN'T YOU, DAVE?!" His body began to shake slightly, the fires in his eyes sparking, enlightening his anger. "HUH?"

"Is that what this is about? So help me god Makara. Of course yo have to be the person to run to the asshole's aid and 'save the day'. You know what, no, we aren't having a conversation. I'm done with you, and all of these fucking trolls. Rose?! Where are you?!" He started to yell, but it was too late. Gamzee had gotten fed up with him. Gamzee launched towards him, gripping onto the boy's red shirt.

"When I say we're goin to talk, WE'RE GOING TO MOTHERFUCKING TALK. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!?"Gamzee's voice howled throughout the room, bouncing off the walls and repeating back into Dave's ears so many times. Dave's eyes widdened as he looked at the troll, who had now pulled him off of his feet. He was hanging by his shirt. "now you listen here," Gamzee started off, his hot breath pressing onto Dave's face. "If you EVER, decide to pull that UTTER SHIT AGAIN, tavbro's head will not be the only in the COLLECTION." He smiled widely, dropping him to the floor.

Gamzee turned around and walked away as if nothing happened, but Dave sat on the floor stunned. He even began to shake a little. "O-Oh my god.." He mumbled to himself, holding onto his knees ever so slightly.


Karkat had fallen asleep on the floor, nearly snoring. His hair was more ruffled than usual as he softly breathed in and out. The pattern going on and on and on.

Terezi watched him quietly, patting his head and running a hand through his hair. She nearly smiled, watching down on the little troll. His face was luckily covered, so she didn't have to worry until.. He began to wake up. He groaned slightly, rubbing at his head again. He sat up, yawning a little. "G-Gamzee, I thought you left.." He muttered, his eyes finally ajusting. "Terezi.. Y-You need to get out of here, you need to go.. now!" Karkat started to become very frantic, rushing to his feet quickly. "Go before he sees!"

"W-what are you talking about Karkat?!" She asked with concern, standing up as quick as he did. "And what the hell happened to your eye?!" Terezi tried to take a step forward, but Karkat stepped backwards. He looked at her, then the door, back and forth, biting his lip.

"That's unimportant.. Terezi, please, go!" Karkat whined slightly, getting antsy. He was so overwhelmed that Dave was going to walk in, hit him again..

"But WHY?!" She exclaimed, her hands reaching out to him. She wanted to hug him, he seemed so scared and worried.

"Terezi.. Please, if you care about me, or yourself, please just go. It's really better for both of us if you just.. go.." Karkat breathed out, watching her face drop. He'd hurt her, no that's not how he meant it. "Terezi, that's not what I mean--"

"It's fine Karkat.. I get it." Terezi nodded calmly, faking a smile as a few tears came from her eyes. "I get it, it's okay." Her smile faded as she wiped her eyes. Terezi took a few steps towards the door then looked at him "Goodbye, Karkat." She whimpered, rushing out of the room.

"Terezi!!" He groaned, sliding back against the wall "Fucking hell, Terezi.."

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