Chapter Seven: Love Me

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Dave sat on the floor in the middle of the lab, toying with his knightly cape he always wore. He sighed a little, getting up to look looking around. Finally his red eyes peered upon the one person he wanted to see, Karkat Vantas. A small smile appeared onto his face as he pushed his shades up higher on the bridge of nice nose. "Yo Vantas, come over here. I wanna talk to you."

Karkat quickly shuffled around, his eyes adjusting on Dave. He was standing in the middle of the dimly lit room, no Terezi in sight. He meekly nodded, setting down the few things that were in his hands, then walked over to him. Karkat looked up at Dave, since he was about a head taller than him. Dave only smirked down at him. "What'd you need to talk about?"

"Well, we can't exactly talk about it here.. Uh. Follow me would you?" His voice sounded flat as he turned around. Dave's face immediately went to a frown as he started up walking, cooly shoving his hands into his pockets. He decided to make some small talk as he pulled them into privacy, "So, how've you been lately?"

This was oddly out of character for Dave, usually he would just say anything that he thought of, to anyone. It must have been important, and really personal.. "I've been okay, I guess. Thanks for asking.. Uh, what about you?" His voice trembled a little as he continued, starring at the red cape that flew in front of him. Karkat was nervous, what could he possibly want with him?

Dave chuckled calmly as he let Karkat finished rambling. It wasn't a clear chuckle, it was more ominous and creepy in Karkat's opinion. "Kitkat," he began off, teasing already," you sound so nervous. There's no reason to be nervous around me, remember we're bros, right?" Dave turned around and stopped for a minute, patting Karkat's head.

Karkat nodded. He sighed a little in relief as he used the stupid nickname. Although he didn't like it being used, it lightened up the conversation and the situation at hand. Karkat listened to Dave's words, they seemed to be getting harsher as he went along. "Yeah, I guess so." He replied, blinking a few times. He guessed they were bros.. And they had some rules. He supposed one of them was being comfortable around each other.

"Good, good." Dave smiled and clapped his hands together. He began walking again, finally getting to a small room that no one really used anymore. He opened the door and turned on the light, grinning as he did so. Dave let Karkat walk inside before he followed after him. "You know what else bros do, right?" He asked calmly, leaning against the door.

Karkat glanced around after he had walked in. The place was so odd. There didn't seem to be another exit besides the one Dave was leaning on, so he assumed he actually had to comply with what he wanted. "Uh, help each other out,.?" He questioned, awkwardly standing towards the middle of the room all by himself. He had no idea what bros really did, but Dave seemed to be amused by his answer.

"Yeah, Karkat. That's actually exactly right." Dave took a few steps forward, a flat face. "Karkat, I want you to help me out, with something and it's really important you don't screw this up." Dave stood only a foot away from Karkat. "I don't want you getting hurt.." His face was creepily still as he stared down at the floor, waiting for Karkat's answer.

As he realized he needed to respond, he but his lip gently. "Uh. Okay. Whatever you need." He replied, taking a small step back. Dave was already intimidating with his height and build, but now, the way he looked, pale, the odd half smiles and smirks.. He looked much more intimidating.

"Great." Dave lifted his head and stared at him, he leaned over, holding his hand on Karkat's shoulder. "Alright, so by helping me out, you've got to do me a favor. It's pretty easy, as long as you comply with it." He gently squeezed Karkat's shoulder, but it was probably a bit too much for someone with Karkat's stature.

Karkat shifted uncomfortably in Dave's grip, but he wasn't letting go any time soon. He gulped slightly, just wanting him to get on with the whole thing. "Okay, and that is?" There was a bit of sass in his voice, a little intended. But that wasn't the best idea, because that set Dave off.

"You know what, Karkat? This whole time I've been trying to hold back everything I've wanted to say and be nice, but no, I'm not doing it anymore." He pushed Karkat back from his shoulder, letting him stumble onto the floor. "You, need to get the hell away from me." He hissed, walking towards the body that kept shifting away. Dave grabbed Karkat and yanked him up. He gripped onto him by his sweater. "And you sure as hell better stay away from Terezi. I know the way you look at her, the way you wish you could have her. Well, that's a shame, because it's my time to shine. Dave Strider and Terezi Pyrope, sounds much better than Karkat Vantas and Terezi Pyrope." He snarled, then did the one thing Karkat never would have expected Dave to do: he punched him, right in the face.

Karkat didn't know what was happening as he fell to the floor for a second time. All he felt was pain as he slowly.. Slowly drifted into unconsciousness..

Dave continued to kick at the passed out boy until he felt he had done justice. He walked out of the room, slamming the door. He kept walking and kept walking, finally back to where everyone normally was. He smiled as he saw Terezi. "Hey babe."

"Oh hey." She tried to smile a little, setting down the yellow scalemate in her hand. "What's up?" She asked softly, pushing her fixed glasses up higher on her nose. Her hair was a bit messed up, probably because she never brushed it after sleeping.

Dave sat next the her on the floor, he looked tired and weak, although he was the exact opposite. "Why don't you love me?" He asked under his breath, putting his hands into his lap. "Why? I've given you everything you could ever imagine, I'm drop dead gorgeous too. So why Terezi? I know you don't." His voice harshened as he tried to stay calm. His chest went up and down more rapidly than before, huffing slightly.

"Dave what are you talking about? Of course I love you." Terezi's head turned to look at him fully on. She set a hand on his cheek gently before he pushed it away, starting to mutter 'liar' before it got loud enough to be a yell. "D-Dave! Please calm down." She stood as he stood, but he couldn't seem to hear her.

"I know you love him! You love him so much more than me. He's NOTHING. He's pathetic, stupid, weak. " he growled standing up. He glared at her, wanting to scream, wanting to lash out. But Terezi had calmly advanced, pressing her lips to his. It was a numb feeling to Dave, he felt nothing. But soon enough he physically pushed her away. "Get away from me, bitch."

Terezi looked at him stunned as she took a few steps back. She could hear him saying 'You will love me, Terezi Pyrope. I will make you love me.'

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