Chapter Five: Love Birds

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Everything had seemed to be going well between everyone. The normal fighting had ended, which was rather odd. It just seemed like everything was working out. People seemed more happy, more enthusiastic, just more open in general. And to some that wasn't exactly the most amazing thing in the world.

"Daveee~! Stop it! That tickles!" Her laugh could be heard down the hall. It was loud and semi-obnoxious, but that was the best part about it. "Seriously! Dave! I'm super ticklish there!!" Terezi squeaked, laughing louder than before. Her smile could practically be heard.

"No way Terezi. Your laugh is adorable." A male's voice replied, obviously Dave's voice. His laugh being put on pause for a kiss, a long one at that. It wasn't until a few minutes later until he heard him speak. "You know, I think that might be the way to stop me from tickling you, because I love the feeling of your lips on mine."

"Maybe then I should stop kissing you until you stop deciding to tickle me." She replied, humming afterwards. Terezi had told him. It went silent for a few moments before another round of kissing began, making the troll's eyes roll dramatically.

Karkat stood up from his spot, his shoes making a small click, making the couple stop for a second.

"Did you hear that?"

"What.. no nothing. You're just hearing things. Now.. back to where we were.."

Karkat took a light huff out as he walked away from the couple, only to be stopped by another. His days were just getting worse and worse. Couple after couple did they ever fucking end?! It seemed like no matter what corner he turned there'd be some sloppy make out session going on. All of this only resulted in going back to the one person who would actually listen. He probably wan't even really listening, his head too clouded up with murderous thoughts.

The mutant looked at the pair, holding hands, smiling at eachother. Ugh. Of course he was happy for them.. but his own mind made it seem terrible. Relationships just equaled trash. He looked at the two, Rose and Kanaya, going over a book or something. Normally it would be really cute, and super sweet, but all Karkat could do it roll his eyes in disgust.

Kanaya looked up and him and smiled, Rose doing the same when she caught on to what Kanaya was staring at. Her lips mouthed the words 'Hello Karkat' before Rose pulled them into another long kiss. Karkat just turned and walked off, leaving both couples to do so as they pleased. Both weren't being watched anymore...

He headed over to the single long hall, sitting above the vents, hoping a familiar face would come out and do that old smile, but it never seemed like he came out anymore. Gamzee hadn't come out for a few days, and Karkat wasn't exactly sure what he was up to. But it wasn't as if he was going to climb into them and search around. He'd literally be asking to kill himself. Let's not.. Let's just wait.. And wait..

Waiting really doesn't help anyone, especially when things are taking a terrible turn. But his ex-best friend, a murderer could become one of the closest people to him. It probably wasn't the smartest idea either, the fact of the matter was Gamzee was still a cold killer. And here Karkat was cuddling against him. But.. He just longed for the affection he never got with, her.

A small bashing came from above him, but he didn't think of it as anything. Karkat stayed put in his seat on the steps, leaning against the wall as if it was comforting him.

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