Chapter Six: Hidden

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Terezi sat on the floor of the lab, playing with what little chalk she had left. It was nice, to finally get some time alone. All she did was spend time with Dave, which no doubt was great, just a little time for herself was good..

She started to spread her drawing out across the floor and it grew and grew. It was nearly complete until her little piece of chalk finally turned into the red powdery dust of nothingness. She sighed, standing up. What now? She could go and lick all the chalk off the floor? Nah.

Terezi shifted her body, her cain extending out to tap in front of her. She took a few minor steps until bumping into a figure... The smell of.. Agony, hatred, and sweat. For all she knew it could be Vriska coming back to haunt her. "Move."

"You REALLY think IM gonna move for anyone such as LOW AS YOU, MY FRIEND??" A playful smirk was set across his face as he put his warm, sweaty hand on her shoulder. "If ANYTHING. YOU should be the one MOVIN A FUCKIN LONG." His voice was booming. It made it worse that it was in the lab.

Terezi stood still, debating what do to. On one hand she could kick him and run. Two she could just stay put in her stop, and three, she could do as he said and moved along. Choice three could probably be the safest. She could deal with the tormenting of Gamzee making fun of her if that was the case.

The Pyrope took a step backwards, getting the clown's hand off of her shoulder. "Fine." Her words simple. She walked past Gamzee with some sense of dignity, until Gamzee decided to trip her, letting her stumble onto the ground.

"Watch where you're GOING, MOTHERFUCKER." He snarled, chuckling his husky chuckle. Gamzee have a few kicks to her side, not hard enough to leave marks, but hard enough to leave the impression that something was going to happen. Happen soon.

Her yelps soon settled as she stopped and sat up. The clown's eyes going insane. They were large and deep. The cuts on his face just seemed to glow.. It was.. Strange. His hands went down and snatched the girls glasses, a humming chuckle before he snapped them, letting them fall to the floor. Only a pure smile on his face. "Goodbye~" He mouthed almost teasingly as he walk off, "mother fucker."

Terezi watched as Gamzee left the room, the room now silent. Her hands gently patted the floor to get her glasses. She picked up one piece then the next, then the next. About three pieces. Maybe she could get someone to fix them. She fumbled with them as best she could.

She sighed calmly, using her hands to guide her to the wall, then climb up the wall. Her forehead pressed against the cold concrete, the echo of silence filling her ears. Teal drops began to fall from her blinded eyes, more and more flooded out. Soon enough she started to gasp, choking on her sobs. Terezi bit her tongue, sniffling rapidly. She needed someone, someone to hold her.

There was always Dave, they were Matespirts and all. They were practically Moirails too. Terezi used the wall to walk over to a door, flinging it open. Her foot steps echoing loudly as she slammed the door, now running. She wanted out, she wanted to be done. The Pyrope stopped in a corner, sliding down the wall. She sobbed into her knees, the broken pieces of her glasses falling from her right hand.

Dave hadn't done it. He had lied. He said that he would fix it for her, make everything okay. But this was not.. Okay. She clenched her fists, her sobs only sounding more pathetic as time grew on. Time progressed, coming to the late evening as Terezi finally stopped her crying.

Karkat swiftly walked throughout the lab halls, going to do his daily runs, checking on people. He had wanted to start this earlier, but you know.. When someone murders all of your friends, it's hard to play roll call. "Alright so I found Gam, Dave, Kanaya and Rose.. Uh, I'm here. Terezi?" He called out.

"I'm here." A small voice replied calmly, a little shake towards the end. She stood up, coming out from her corner. "I'm here, don't worry." A plastered smile came across her face as she turned in the direction of the male.

"A-ah.. Okay. What happened to.. Your glasses?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow at her. Karkat took a few steps forward, trying to get closer to her. Not in a creepy way of course, but in a friendly way. The distance between them made them look like strangers meeting for the first time.

Terezi felt him coming to her, so she backed up a few steps. The smile on her face twitched and halted to a frown. "Nothing. I just tripped and fell over, they broke in the process of it all." She blinked aimlessly. "You should get some sleep, you need it."

"I've actually gotten a lot lately, thanks for caring though." Karkat's voice went flat, shifting his head. This was a little awkward. It wasn't even that the relationship the two were in was awkward, mainly because they weren't in one, but... Karkat's eyes faltered as he starred at Terezi longer. "Terezi, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Nothing Karkat." She replied, it was just a slip off her tongue like there was nothing to it. "It's just the old memories, that's all. They're all flushing back, you know?" Terezi tried to chuckle a little, only managing to huff out some air then sniffle. "Besides, you have more important things to worry about. You are our leader after all." Lies lies lies lies. They were soaked up into the air to just get rid of him. She didn't even feel bad at the moment for doing so.

Karkat slowly nodded, half agreeing with her. But he knew, he knew they were lies. He knew. It wasn't hard to tell, her word choices, the whole.. 'Flushing back'. But he spoke as if he believed her, one hundred percent. "If you ever need someone to talk your feelings out with, I'm here. I think, I know a lot more than you think about some things.." He trailed off, starting to walk away. His hands shoved deep into his pockets.

Terezi wouldn't stay in the dark too much longer, because not only was Karkat going to reveal something, so was Dave, and So was


Homestuck ~Karezi~ My DarlingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin