Chapter Three: Torment

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Terezi clicked back into the lab quietly, maybe she'd go visit Dave today.. She had been a little harsh to him yesterday. Though she did have a point with what she said. It's rude to make fun of someone's 'accident'. Especially at times like this. Everyone was in shallow water, no matter what they did. The few remaining humans and trolls alive, they had no idea what the next day would play out like.

She clicked, to the right, to the left, and back to the right again. Nothing was in her way, so she continued on her way. The narrow hall only seemed to get smaller from here on out, and it wasn't like someone was going to stand in the middle of the hall. That'd be pointless. Pointless indeed but that didn't stop the same old asshole from doing it time and time again.

Terezi walked in silence, pure silence. She had lifted up her cane just to be sure the next events wouldn't happen. But then again, sound wasn't the only way of sensing.. She bumped into a figure, tall, lean she could only guess. But by the smell of death and just.. Terrible in general sent a chill down her spine.

"Hey sis." A booming voice erupted off the walls, making Terezi shudder. The male voice chuckled, forming a grin as he did so. "How you all and MOTHERFUCKIN be?"

"Leave me alone, Makara." She hissed, trying to push past him and continue walking. But that had no real effect. Gamzee was twice as strong as Terezi, and that didn't really help in this moment. Terezi had stood there for a few more minutes, the silence only making things worse. His stupid grin shining down on her like nothing was ever wrong, like it was the same old Gamzee. She finally attempted to push past him again, making one free step on her own.

"Where do you think you're going?" He smirked, pulling her back towards the wall. Gamzee pressed his weight against her, that stupid grin widdening further. How was that even possible. "Cant even hold a DECENT conversation with a MOTHERFUCKIN PAL?" His forearm rested on the wall above Terezi's head, his eyes practically blood shot.

"Drop dead." Terezi replied, trying to back up into the wall. He reeked of troll blood and what seemed to be drugs. She shut her eyes, her blind, blind eyes. Maybe if she just stayed there he would back off. It was a doubtful hope, but it was possible.

The Makara leaned forward, his hot breath making it's way onto her delicate skin. His grin stayed put as he sweaty hand brisked over her cheek, sliding its way down onto her neck. "Well ain't you one big drop of sunshine?" His voice husky and old, the sound of practical withdrawal symptoms in his voice. Gamzee started to chuckle, he kept on, getting louder and louder into a cackle before stopping suddenly. "Motherfucker," he muttered, pushing himself off the wall and onto the apposing wall.

Terezi brushed herself off, leaning against the wall for a second. Her head turned towards him, sniffing for a mere moment. Before he could do anything else, she sprinted, she sprinted down the hall as fast as she could. The Pyrope slammed the door behind her, leaning down it. She held her knees, her back pressed firmly against the wall. A few little tears slid down her face, but she wiped them away quickly. A few footsteps could be heard coming in her direction, but not from where Gamzee was. Finally she spoke up, her voice shaking, "Who's there?"

"It's me." The voice replied, his red converse the one thing showing from the lack of light. Eventually he revealed himself, walking into the dim light. "What's up with you?" He asked, rather plainly. I suppose that's what cool kids do, ask like they don't really care, just asking to fill the awkward space.

"Being tortured by an asshole or two." Terezi sighed, standing. Maybe she could tell Dave this, he was in fact one of her better friends now. There was no one he could really tell, besides Rose who would forget it because of the amount of alcohol in her system. Her feet crossed, left over right. "But it's Gamzee.. What do you expect?"

"I dunno, maybe to knock off your grill and get a life. I mean he seemed pretty cool when he was all knocked up on slime and that drink--uh faygo." Dave looked up, tilting his glasses up with him. His red eyes flickered behind his lenses. "Anyways. You okay?"

"What do you think, Dave? Do you think that I'm okay?" Her voice shook, a few little tears coming down her face. She pointed a finger at him, her whole arm starting to shake. "Well?! Where's your answer?! Are you not cool enough to answer?!!!? Can't answer a simple question because it's not ironic enough?" Terezi's figure fell to the ground again, her knees weak and her lungs exhausted. She just wanted it all to stop.

Strider approached her, kneeling down next to her. Dave took ahold of her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. "No,  it's not the fact that I can't answer it. It's the fact that it possibly hurts my alter ego to answer such deep questions. Look here Pyrope, I don't know what that freak is doing to you, but seeing what you're going through that shit needs to stop. So I'll be here. You know, I'll get my Katana and just slice the shit outta him, alright?"

The girl nodded, curling her knees up against her chest. Her hands had been taken away from her, so her teal tears slid down her cheeks. A dusty fabric went across her face, now dry. She shut her eyes, refusing to even breath right now. The fact that all of this was happening so suddenly. It was... So confusing. But at least she had someone now. Someone to protect her..

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