Chapter Four: Protection

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From then on it seemed like things had been getting better for Miss Pyrope. Gamzee had stopped bothering her, for the most part. The occasional grin he gave at her sent shivers down her spine. But otherwise, things were okay. Dave had told her he would and already had taken care of things, but that wasn't exactly the whole story.

~•| Flash Back |•~

"Alright here you juggalo freak. Let's get somethin straight here. You need to stop fuckin around with Pyrope, enough said." Dave spoke in a bit of a tense tone. He was a bit more sheepish than he had intended. Stupid. His hands were lazily shoved into his pockets, his posture leaning over to his right side. "Got it?"

"Hhhhmm." The horned male hummed under his breath. He walked over to Dave, who took a few steps back in response. "You think you tellin me this is gonna make a DIFFERENCE? Well you thought WRONG, my MOTHERFUCKIN COOL KID." Gamzee stood over him, a smirk on his face. He was so smart, yet his mind was in the wrong place. It was too bizarre. "I'd run on ALONG STRIDER, before I end up PULLING my clubs out and takin a few SHOTS AT CHA."

Dave nodded and bit his lip. He would have gone full out strife mode, but he was actually.. A little afraid. Gamzee was probably stronger than him, height made a difference as well. The human backed up, eventually exiting the room. Gamzee standing there, his head tilted to the side, a drunken grin running across his face. "That's what I THOUGHT." His smile turned to a frown as he turned around, a hand coming out from beneath a corner.

"Watchin all that, HUH?"

The petite figure walked fully into the light, staring at him. Their expression seemed hurt, but nothing was done to him at all? "I think it's about time that this whole thing stops.." They began quietly, much different from the normal voice that came from them. Finally he cleared his throat, making sure Dave was long gone from here. "I'm serious."

"What do you mean, MOTHERFUCKER? I CANT have a little FUN ANYMORE?!" Gamzee started to get a little rialed up, his fists clenching into fits. "Now I KNOW it sounds HARSH, but sometimes I WISH I had THE POWER to CLUB YOU MOTHERFUCKIN DOWN." He hissed as the boy got closer. But he stopped, he couldn't be mad at this troll.. It wasn't right.

The calm boy walked up to Gamzee, setting a hand on his cheek, starting to pap him gently. "It's okay, Gamzee. You don't have to be this way." He raised his other hand to pap him as well, Gamzee finally started to calm down.

His breath a bit strong. Finally he got Gamzee to sit, so he sat next to him.

"You know KAR-kar bro. You've been a real GOO-good help to me here."

Karkat nodded quietly, papping his ever so often when it seemed like he was going to get angry. "Gamzee, please stop all this.." He muttered, looking down towards the ground. It indirectly inflicted him.. The fact that he was hurting Terezi nearly broke Karkat's heart. Terezi meant the world to him, not like he would ever show it. That would just show the fact that he wanted her in every quadrant like a desperate fool. He mumbled a few words to himself, turning his head t face the clown. "Really.. please."

Gamzee's face stayed at a mellow expression. It barely showed any emotion, though it never really did. Other than anger and the occational laugh from him, he was.. like nothing. Perhaps just an existance. Someone who roamed the lab halls in search of someone to pick on. Like a demon, a possessed spirit. He was just in the wrong place. It sounds so stupid to say.

'He's a cold hard killer'

'He's a monster.'

'How can you stand to talk to him?! You know you'll just get hurt in the end.'

'He doesn't really care about you, he never did.'

All of those were most likely true, but the fact of the matter was Karkat had nothing else to loose. There was no hope for him other than living his life until his mutant blood got him in trouble. Was there really a point to playing it safe? All of his really friends were dead, and all that was left were fake ones or ones who had moved on. Kanaya, Terezi, Dave.

Gamzee was one of the few who would actually listen, well atleast hoped listened. Kanaya didn't have time because she was with Rose. And after they got in that agruement.. It was a little hard to speak with here. Terezi was off with Dave doing whatever they fucking did. Probably making out on the stairwell, the scent of red practically dripping from them. And Dave.. Well.. Where to start with that asshole. His flushed feelings for him ended up as a complete joke to him and he was gone. Now with Terezi anyways, he probably didn't even remember his 'bros' last name. But who would really choose too anyways?

"Bro?" The voice of Gamzee interupted his thoughts, his dreadful dreadful thoughts. A warm arm slung around the Vantas's shoulder, pullin him over to the larger troll. "There's no need to get TOO EMO-Emotional about all this SHIT. Trust me when I SAY All this. It's alright. IT'S ALL ALRIGHT-" His voice quivered as another pap was sent to his cheek. His face dropped down to his flat expression.. for a second there, he looked like the normal Gamzee, with the three long scars along his face though..

Karkat listened to Gamzee, why did he say.. emotional? His hand went against his face. The warm feeling of liquid was there.. Had he been crying? There wasn't a need for that.. Crying was for stupid.. wimps.. Wimps.. wimps "G-Gamzee?" He asked, biting his lip. It was really the Gamzee he had grown up with, the one high on slime and faygo. Him. Him. The wonderful him. Who gave a shit if he was on drugs that whole time, just for a second that guy came back, flushing more tears from the Cancer. "Fucking hell.. I miss the old you. I miss everything."

Gamzee shook the smaller figure as if to hug him, it was worthless though. There was no point. It wasn't him. It would never be him. "It's alright PAL. It's MotherFUCKIN' alright."

~| Normal Time |~

"TZ, you should be happy to tell you that I took care of everything and that freak shouldn't be bothering you anyy longer." A small grin spread across the God Tiered male's face. Dave had 'done' it for sure. That asshole wouldn't be bothering her anymore. It felt satisfying that he could actually do that. Or atleast so he thought.

"Really..?" Her voice was a bit unsure, but a smile spread across her face. "T-That's.. amazing!" She started to smile even bigger. "Thank you.." Terezi dropped her cane and ran across to him, practically jumping into his arms, hugging him tightly.

"It's no problem, you deserve it you know." He replied simply, spinning her around in the hug, his hands around her waist as he finally set her down. "Besides, I'd do anything for you." Dave's eyes flickered, but that was unnoticable from his shades as he lent down and kissed her softly. A bit of a spur of the moment, but it was worth it. Anything For Her~

Terezi's face turned a dark teal as she kissed him back, setting a hand on his cheek. Her lips formed a grin as she pulled them apart. "Woah there cool kid, I wouldn't get too ahead of myself if I were you." She started to laugh a little, licking his cheek playfully.

"Hmhmm." He hummed.

They did as they did. Couples, of course.

'You want her in every quadrant like a desperate fool' The words rushed through his head as he turned away, hiding behind the corner of the two. Karkat sat on the floor, leaning his head against the wall. Listening to them just make him want to hurl. Maybe even tuck himself away and go die. But he couldn't he wasn't that sick of himself yet.

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