Chapter 2

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The first time a kit opens her eyes is a magical moment indeed. The mother is filled with joy for her healthy, happy kit, and the kit is filled with joy to see the world. But on the occasion, a kit doesn’t ever open her eyes, or if she does, she wishes she hadn’t.

Nightkit felt a paw prodding her in the side. “Wake up, wake up, wake up! Mother says we can play outside as soon as you open your eyes! Come on! Come on, Nightkit!”

Nightkit groaned. That voice belonged to the overly enthusiastic Hazelkit. Hazelkit was her sister, the one who was always hyper and energetic. She was the first born. Nightkit’s other sister, Blossomkit, had just opened her eyes. Their brother, Thornkit, opened his eyes as soon as Hazelkit opened hers. They were inseparable.

Hazelkit’s paws shuffled against the ground. “Nightkit?” She spoke curiously, “are you going to open your eyes?”

Nightkit felt a growl bubbling in her throat. “Don’t act like I’m a weakling!” She hissed. “I’m just as strong as you! I can open my eyes any day!” She tried to force them open. They wouldn’t budge. Thornkit snickered.

“You sure about that, little sis?” Thornkit laughed. “We should just go outside and play. We don’t need to wait for her. We’ve been dying to see Patchpaw and Berrypaw for ages now.” Patchpaw and Berrypaw were the two newest apprentices. The kits have never seen them yet.

Blossomkit’s soft voice spoke up. “I’m going to wait here with Nightkit.” A warm pelt pressed against Nightkit’s side, and she shifted away. “Get off of me. I don’t need to be taken care of.” Nightkit struggled to open her eyes again. Why won’t they open? Why can’t I wake up?

Everything that happened next was a flurry of paws and blood. A yowl rang out over the camp. “RiverClan, attack!”

ShadowClan cats began attacking the intruders, but the RiverClan cats fought just as hard. The sounds of pain and bloodshed echoed around the nursery, and Blossomkit whimpered in terror.

“I-I hope Hazelkit and Thornkit are safe out there.” Blossomkit snuggled close to Nightkit. “And that the smelly cats don’t come into the den.”

The yowls were getting louder. Storms of paws came so close to the nursery entrance that Nightkit bristled.

“Where’s mother?” Blossomkit whined. “I want mother!”

“Mother went out on patrol,” Nightkit explained. Their mother had been rather ignorant of her four kits, and went out on a patrol for fresh air.

“Who will protect me?” Blossomkit wailed. “Who’s to say we won’t get killed?”

The scent of fish became stronger. Blossomkit crouched down, whimpering. A familiar, milky scent flooded in with it. “You stay away from my kits, you beast!”

Nightkit’s curiosity overwhelmed her. At last she opened her eyes. The light of the day flooded through, almost making her want to close them back again. But she wouldn’t back down.

Something red and sticky flew into her eyes, clouding her vision with a haze of blood. Nightkit blinked and blinked, wanting to clear the mess. Her mother was at the other end of the nursery, battling with a ferocious grey warrior.

The first sight that Nightkit saw was of blood and her mother’s death.

Nightkit wailed and struggled. The cat was drawing closer, his fish-scented breath poisonous. Blossomkit coughed. Nightkit brought herself shakily to her feet. This frog-brain isn’t going to dare hurt Blossomkit or I!

Nightkit flashed out a black paw, striking the warrior in the eyes. He reeled back, bringing both of his paws down upon Nightkit. Nightkit wailed, struggling under the weight. She got lifted into the air by the scruff, and was flung hard against the ground.

As Nightkit opened her eyes once more, she discovered she was in a pool of her mother’s blood. She raised her head weakly to see a different warrior talking to the one that nearly killed her.

“You fishface! That kit could have been a warrior, and now she’s dead. The other one is going to die of shock. Look at her! She could have been a RiverClan warrior, and you had to go out of your way and kill her. Rosestar is going to hear about this.” The two warriors walked out of the den, the noises of battle still raging on outside.

Blossomkit! Nightkit raised her head weakly. Is she dead? Please StarClan, don’t let my sister die!

Nightkit staggered over to where Blossomkit lay. Nightkit gazed at her diluted tortoishell pelt and glazed green eyes. Blossomkit slowly lifted her head, surveying her.

“You have beautiful eyes,” she croaked. “I wish mine were a beautiful deep blue as yours.”

Nightkit gazed at her sister with pity. “You have pretty eyes too. A leaf green.” She heard Blossomkit sigh.

“The Night will lead a clan to a new day.” Blossomkit whispered faintly. “Promise me something, Nightkit. Promise me you’ll destroy RiverClan. Lead us to a new day.” Blossomkit’s head fell back, but her flank was heaving with her last few breaths.

Nightkit gazed down at the pitiful little body, covered in scars and blood. The kit that didn’t yet live to be a moon, almost dead. It was the last thing she could do. “I promise,” Nightkit whispered. “I promise, I promise, I’ll kill all of those RiverClan scums for you. I’ll destroy RiverClan.”

Blossomkit let out a sigh and let her eyes close as her body went limp, resting forever in the pool of blood.

Nightkit took a step away. “You didn’t deserve to die. You were only under a moon old. Your death will be avenged.” Nightkit gazed down at her fallen sister, and watched as her heart turned to ice.

Deep Blue Eyes-- a warriors fanfic (completed story!)Where stories live. Discover now