Chapter 25

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“Flameheart is missing!”

Silverflower bolted to her feet, all tiredness gone. She ran out of the warriors den and entered the clearing, where the deputy Gorsefur was anxiously trying to organize patrols.

“What happened?” She asked.

“Flameheart is gone.” Gorsefur replied bluntly.

“When? Where? When will she be back?” Silverflower persisted.

“Sometime during your vigil, I don’t know, and I don’t know.” Gorsefur mewed, annoyed. “Listen, if you want to help, go with the group.”

“I’d search the whole territory!” Silverflower yowled, bouncing out of the camp.

She never would have expected this to happen. Silverflower, Foxstripe and Flameheart had just received their warrior names last night. Earlier that moon Pinkrose, Skyfeather, Sunflight and Wildfire had received theirs. Wildfire had brought his littermates to WindClan, who although they were still apprentices, had been greatly accepted as Grasspaw, Rosepaw, and Featherpaw brought new light to WindClan. WindClan had been thriving, and a sudden increase in rabbits finally had each warrior’s belly full. Life had been good.

So why would Flameheart run away? Silverflower wondered. Is there something she didn’t like?

“Are you alright, Silverflower?” A voice asked. Silverflower turned to stare into the sympathetic eyes of Grasspaw.

“I know it must be hard, with Flameheart missing. But it won’t be long until she returns, I can promise you that.” Grasspaw continued. “I lost Gorse, who was my best friend and brother. It was hard to cope with his death, but I moved on.”

Silverflower nodded and turned away into the open moor. “Flameheart!” She yowled. “Flameheart, where are you?” The world was spinning, and she felt as though nothing would be the same. She had a bad feeling in her stomach, as though she’d never see her sister again. “Flameheart!”

Skyfeather, Sunflight and Pinkrose had caught up to her. “We’ll split up,” Pinkrose suggested. “Sunflight and I can go look near the ThunderClan border, you and Skyfeather can go look near the RiverClan border.”

Silverflower nodded, trying to keep the tears in her eyes from erupting.

“Don’t worry, Silverflower.” Skyfeather comforted. “We’ll find Flameheart. She would never run away for good.”

Silverflower nodded again, following Skyfeather towards the RiverClan border.

When they reached it, a snowy-white tom was calling over the river. “Poppyleaf! Poppyleaf, where are you?”

Skyfeather immediately ran up to the tom. “Is something wrong?” She asked.

“Yes!” He yowled in despair. “My sister, Poppyleaf, is missing! We don’t know where she went!”

“We have a missing cat too!” Skyfeather exclaimed. “Flameheart! Did Poppyleaf go missing last night?”

“Yes!” The tom replied. “It was during our warrior vigil, Poppyleaf told me she had to check out something and didn’t come back since!”

Silverflower noticed a connection between the two warriors, as though they had met before.

“This is Silverflower.” Skyfeather swept her tail towards Silverflower. “Flameheart’s sister.”

“I’m Snowclaw,” the tom announced.

Skyfeather looked thoughtful for a moment. “If Flameheart and Poppyleaf went missing on the same day,” her eyes were beginning to explode with excitement. “They must have gone together!”

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