Chapter 5

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Bluekit gazed into the medicine den. There was her mother Lightflower, licking and cooing over Flowerkit.

Hadn’t she realized Bluekit had just opened her eyes?

Bluekit remembered Lightflower’s happiness when Flowerkit opened her eyes. She had purred endlessly and remarked on the colour of her eyes. Right when Lightflower had heard fighting, she dashed out of the nursery. That was when Bluekit, neglected and sad, opened her eyes.

Bluekit had tried to walk. She failed the first few times, but eventually was strong enough to walk all the way over to the medicine den. That was where she heard Lightflower tending to Flowerkit, not even noticing poor Bluekit standing right outside the den, eyes open.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Lightflower fretted, frantically licking Flowerkit’s pelt. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m not!” Flowerkit protested, ducking away from Lightflower.

“Blazepaw,” Goldenblaze was telling her apprentice, “you don’t go off and hit newborn kits with mouse bile.”

“She started it!” Blazepaw complained, his green eyes stretched wide.

“I don’t care who started it. If you want to be a medicine cat, you need to learn.” Goldenblaze turned away from her apprentice and to Bluekit. “Bluekit! You’ve opened your eyes!” She seemed very overenthusiastic. “They’re a lovely silver blue.”

Lightflower raised her head from Flowerkit and looked at her other daughter. “Bluekit! I see you’ve opened your eyes. Go back to the nursery while I tend Flowerkit.” Flowerkit gazed at Bluekit with pools of deep blue for a heartbeat, and then tried to struggle away from her mother, who paid no attention to Bluekit.

Bluekit sighed, glancing wretchedly at her mother. When Lightflower didn’t so much as glance at her, Bluekit turned away and trudged sadly back to the nursery.

Bluekit buried herself in her mother’s nest and closed her eyes. Maybe when Lightflower gets back she’ll notice. Maybe when Lightflower gets back she’ll care. She fell slowly into a deep sleep.

Bluekit awoke to the sound of voices.

“Blazepaw, you’re staying back as a punishment.”

“But I never got to go to the Moonpool before! The first time Lightflower was kitting, the second you wanted me to watch the cats with whitecough, and it wasn’t even that bad! Now you tell me to stay back as a punishment!”

“You need to learn how to properly treat kits. I’m sending you to stay with Bluekit and Flowerkit in the nursery. Entertain them and whatnot. I’ll be back.”

Bluekit raised her head to see a dejected Blazepaw trudge into the nursery. “Hi Flowerkit and Lightflower. I’m here to entertain you.”

He forgot me. Bluekit looked up sadly at Blazepaw, who just ignored her.

“I’m hungry!” Flowerkit whined. “I want a mouse.”

“Flowerkit,” Lightflower began softly, “there’s not enough food to go around. You need to live off of my milk.”

“I want a mouse!” Flowerkit screeched.

Lightflower sighed. “Fine. I’ll get you a mouse.” She got up and walked out of the nursery, the protective screen of leaves trembling behind her.

Flowerkit sat up with a mischievous grin. “Blazepaw, what’s the Moonpool?” She asked.

“I’ve never been there.” Blazepaw shot a glance at Flowerkit. “But I’ve heard it’s amazing. The medicine cats there go once every half moon, and they meet with StarClan.”

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