Chapter 11

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Flamekit began to groom her flame-point fur. She was still weak from the deathberries, and couldn’t pounce correctly. She sighed, looking at her sister, who now seemed to be the strongest.

After Heatherstar had heard that Flamekit wanted herbs for Foxkit, she explained that there didn’t seem to be anything for him. Much to Flamekit’s dismay, Heatherstar explained they had tried everything, from poppy seeds and juniper berries to yarrow and catmint. But nothing had worked.

Flamekit was past six moons old now, and was waiting every day for Heatherstar to make her an apprentice. Silverkit was excited too, and Foxkit actually began to chase Silverkit to show that he was strong enough to become an apprentice. Flamekit wished she could participate in their games, but Littlefur insisted that Flamekit should wait for a while. Flamekit was tired of waiting.

Finally that one sunny morning, Heatherstar’s yowl rang throughout the camp. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!”

Flamekit leaped to her feet, only to find that her legs couldn’t support her and she tumbled down. She blushed, embarrassed, and steadily drew herself up to find the gaze of the clan on her.

Silverkit’s silver fur was groomed until it shined, and Foxkit’s pale ginger fur sparkled. Their eyes shined, and they settled in front of the leader, tail’s twitching in excitement. Flamekit went over to join them, hoping that Heatherstar didn’t witness her fall.

“Today is a good day for WindClan. We will be making a few new apprentices.” Heatherstar began. Flamekit beamed with pride.

“Silverkit! Step forward.”

Silverkit stepped forward, eyes shining.

“From this day until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Silverpaw.”

“Silverpaw!” Flamekit cheered as loud as she could, but had to stop abruptly and coughed.

“Foxkit, come forward.”

Foxkit scampered forward, trying to hide his weak past.

“From this day until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Foxpaw.”

“Foxpaw! Foxpaw!” Flamekit knew not to cheer as loud as she could this time.

“Now,” Heatherstar started, “I hate to do this, but we will not have Flamekit become an apprentice.”

Flamekit’s eyes widened with shock and dismay. The whole clan gasped, whispers fluttering over the camp. Unsaid words remained unsaid, but Flamekit could feel them pulsing through her like the rushing river she, Sunpaw, Pinkpaw and Skypaw went to find. She could feel pain in her heart as strong as the deathberries, and guilt as terrible as if she had fed Foxpaw those berries.

“Littlefur has suggested that she remain as a kit for a moon longer, and then will be apprenticed.” Heatherstar continued, aware of the distress that was echoing through the clan.

Flamekit was filled with sudden bitter hate and fury for Littlefur. The medicine cat raised her head as all of the shocked glares turned to her. “It’s for the best,” Littlefur explained, “that she remains as a kit. She won’t be able to do battle training or hunting practice for another moon. That’s all.”

Flamekit fell to the ground, tears rolling down her face. She had saved her brother, but delayed her life. She looked with dismay at Silverpaw, who rushed up to her and nuzzled her.

“Oh, Flamepaw,” she whispered sadly. “I will call you by that name. I won’t call you Flamekit. You deserve to be Flamepaw, as you are braver than any other cat here. You saved Foxpaw’s life, and you went out to fetch herbs, not thinking of yourself but of your brother. I was a coward to not have gone with you. If anyone ever deserved to be an apprentice, it’s you. You have the courage of a fully grown warrior.” Her blue eyes glistened with sadness.

Fallowheart, Silverpaw’s mentor, came up to Silverpaw. “I know you are sad. This is very shocking. But we must go practice now and leave Flamekit to rest and grow stronger.”

Silverpaw looked back at Flamekit. “Goodbye, Flamepaw.” She mewed. “You will join me soon, trust me.” Flamekit could only watch as Silverpaw walked out of camp, leaving her despaired and alone.

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