Chapter 13

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Once Heatherstar had caught sight of the ginger apprentice sneaking under the bramble bush, she knew something was wrong. Telling the other leaders that she needed to take a drink, she snuck behind the bramble bushes and crawled around.

Flamekit was conversing with the apprentice, telling her that she should be an apprentice. Heatherstar came in and asked what she was doing.

Flamekit flattened her ginger ears. “I wanted to prove to you I was strong enough to become an apprentice!” She hissed. “I’m not weak! I came all the way here without help and crossed the tree bridge without any assistance, and I didn’t fall in at all!”

“That doesn’t matter,” Heatherstar argued. “Littlefur said that you should wait another moon!”

“I don’t care what Litterfur thinks,” Flamekit retorted. “I’m strong enough to go to the Gathering! I’m strong enough to be an apprentice!”

“She should,” the apprentice replied. “She deserves it. It’s all she ever wanted, and according to her Litterfur broke her heart by telling her she couldn’t be an apprentice!”

“You be quiet,” Heatherstar hissed. “What matters is what the medicine cat thinks. She only has your best interests at heart. And don’t call her Litterfur!”

“I don’t care!” Flamekit wailed. She got up to her feet shakily and shouted, “I’ll prove it to you! I’ll prove it to you and Litterfur! I’ll prove it to you all!”

Flamekit pushed herself out of the branches of the bush and ran across the clearing. Shocked murmurs erupted when Flamekit faced the Great Oak. Heatherstar noticed what she was doing just before she did. Heatherstar sprang forward, just as Flamekit leaped up and grabbed the branch with her front paws.

Heatherstar watched in horror as the little kit began to slip. Her hind paws scrabbled against the bark, but alas, she fell. Heatherstar leapt forward and grabbed her on the scruff, placing the whimpering Flamekit down on the ground.

“What do you think you were doing?” Heatherstar hissed, back arched. “You can’t climb the Great Oak! You’re too weak!”

“I’m not!” Flamekit cried. “I’ll prove to you I’m not!”

Littlefur padded forward. “Flamekit! What are you doing here?”

“I’m sorry, Litterfur, but I wanted to prove that I was strong enough to become an apprentice!” Flamekit growled.

“Flamekit, I have had enough of you.” Heatherstar sighed, “coming here when you knew you should stay in camp, leaping onto the Great Oak, insulting your medicine cat, who only has your best interests at heart, and finally shaming WindClan in front of the other clans. Go back to camp, and to make sure you do, Squirrelberry will escort you.”

Squirrelberry padded forward and prodded Flamekit. “C’mon, Flame…kit. Let’s go home.”

Flamekit cast an angered glare back at Littlefur and Heatherstar, but then followed Squirrelberry out of the clearing.

Heatherstar watched to make sure that they were gone, and then leapt back up on the Great Oak. “Excuse me for my kit,” she apologized. “She’s not usually like this.”

“That’s perfectly fine, Heatherstar.” Reedstar growled, facing Shadestar. “The Gathering will begin. I will speak first. We have something to settle.”

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