Chapter 7

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Silverkit had been terrified the moment a warrior patrol rushed into camp with Flamekit dangling limply from their jaws. She wailed for her sister, but the warriors didn’t stop until they reached the medicine den.

Squirrelpaw came out of the medicine den and walked up to Silverkit, a frightened look on her face. “S-Silverkit…” she began.

Silverkit closed her eyes. Flamekit can’t be dead! She can’t be!

“Flamekit is alive, but very weak. She wants to see you.” Squirrelpaw looked sadly at Silverkit. “I know this is hard for you, but you have to be brave and fight through this.”

Silverkit sighed. Flamekit was always the brave one, whereas Silverkit always stepped away from a challenge. She knew that she had to be brave, just this once, for Flamekit.

Silverkit slowly padded into the den, shyly heading towards where Littlefur lay with Flamekit. Flamekit didn’t seem to be harmed; her flame-point fur was shining, but her deep blue eyes were dull. Silverkit came up to Flamekit.

“Flamekit?” She asked softly. “Squirrelpaw said you wanted to see me.”

Flamekit turned her head. “Silverkit,” she rasped. “How’s Foxkit?”

“When he heard, he was scared,” Silverkit replied. “But you’ll be alright, right?”

“I will be brave,” Flamekit whispered, “for you, and Foxkit, and Sunkit, Skykit and Pinkkit. I’ll be brave for the clan.”

Silverkit smiled. “And I’ll tell Foxkit right now.”

Flamekit nodded drowsily. “Tell them I’ll be fine.”

Silverkit came out of the den in a better mood than she had been in before. She ran with joy over to Foxkit, who looked up at her with despairing eyes.

“Did she die?” Foxkit asked, trembling.

“No,” Silverkit whispered. “She’s alive. She says she’ll be brave and live for us.”

Foxkit smiled.

Pinkkit, Sunkit and Skykit ran right over to Silverkit, tripping over themselves in excitement. “Is she okay?” Sunkit asked.

“She’s alright. She says she’ll live for us all.” Silverkit replied, and the three kits cheered.

Days went by, then moons. Silverkit was getting closer to becoming an apprentice each day. Squirrelpaw received her full medicine cat name, becoming Squirrelberry. The whole clan cheered for their medicine cat. Flamekit was becoming stronger, and was able to walk with encouragement from Silverkit and help from Squirrelberry.

“Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!” Heatherstar yowled. All of the kits scrambled for the meeting, each thinking that it was to be their own apprentice ceremony. The kits never snuck out of camp again, although there were many of those boring days.

“WindClan is growing stronger. We have our full medicine cat, and Flamekit is becoming stronger and can walk without help now.” Heatherstar announced, and the clan cheered. Flamekit’s near death had brought shock to the clan. Flamekit beamed with pride- it had taken her two moons to achieve this. Silverkit was proud of her sister.

“It’s time to make a few new apprentices.”

Immediately all of the kits stood up straight. Skykit immediately began cleaning herself, along with Pinkkit and Sunkit. Silverkit knew she was too young, but she was proud of her denmates.

“These kits have had quite an interesting kithood,” Heatherstar purred, “and a lucky one too, if not unfortunate. They have at last reached six moons, and hopefully won’t be gathering any Deathberries any time soon.”

The warriors purred in amusement.

“Pinkkit! Step forward.”

Pinkkit took a step forward, her eyes glowing with delight.

“Pinkkit, from this moment on until you become a warrior, you will be known as Pinkpaw.” Heatherstar announced.

“Pinkpaw! Pinkpaw!” The clan cheered. Pinkpaw was apprenticed to a younger warrior, Grassfire.

“Skykit! From this moment on until you become a warrior, you will be known as Skypaw.”

“Skypaw! Skypaw!” The clan congratulated, and Skypaw beamed. Skypaw was apprenticed to the senior warrior Firetail.

“And Sunkit, from this moment until you become a warrior, you will be known as Sunpaw.”

“Sunpaw! Sunpaw!” Silverkit felt she cheered the loudest for her denmates. They’re apprentices! It’s only two moons now until my turn!

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