Chapter 4

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A moon later

Flamekit yawned boredly, looking at her sister Silverkit resting in the sun. The two kits would become apprentices in four moons, and they couldn’t wait. A patrol was already leaving, with a newly made apprentice and three other warriors. Flamekit sighed.

“How come we have to wait for six whole moons?” She complained. “It’s not like we can’t walk or anything.” Suddenly an idea came to her.

“Silverkit! Silverkit! I have an idea!”

Silverkit raised her striped head drowsily. “Wha?...” She asked sleepily, letting her head rest against the soft grass.

“I’m bored, and you’re bored, and it’ll be four moons until we can leave camp…” Flamekit was bursting with excitement, “and we can impress our mentors with the knowledge of our territory, before we’ve even gone there! They’ll make us warriors on the spot!”

“And how do you suppose we’ll know the territory?” Silverkit flicked her tail. “Sneak out of camp?”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Flamekit mewed, exasperated.

Silverkit sat up, her blue eyes wide with fear. “B-but… if we go alone, the fox might get us!”

Recently, a fox had been wandering around the territory. On an occasion, a patrol would return with a report and many scratches. Silverkit had been out of her mind with fright.

“Not alone, silly. Foxes attack smaller groups of cats than larger ones.” Flamekit rolled her eyes. “If we bring Foxkit, Pinkkit, Sunkit, and Skykit, no foxes will dare attack us!”

Silverkit looked worried. “I-I’m not sure…” She froze. “Can I please stay here? I won’t tell anyone, I promise, especially not mother or the clan leader or the deputy or father or-”

“Fine, you can stay.” Flamekit spun away. Her sister was always a scaredy-mouse.

Flamekit ran towards the nursery, bumping into Skykit. “Skykit! Are you bored?” Flamekit asked excitedly.

Skykit paused. “Yeah, who isn’t on a day like this? What do you have in mind?” She replied, gazing at Flamekit.

“Well, I had this idea…” Flamekit explained her plan to Skykit. “We’ll sneak out through the dirtplace, and then find our way around the territory. It won’t be too hard.”

Skykit wrinkled her nose. “Ugh. I hate going to the dirtplace unless I have to. But if it will make us warriors sooner, I’m willing to do it.”

“Excellent!” Flamekit purred. “Now go tell Pinkkit and Sunkit. I’m going to go and find Foxkit.” Skykit nodded and walked away while Flamekit wandered into the nursery. “Foxkit?” She called out. “Where are you Foxkit?”

“Here,” came the weak reply. Foxkit was on his side, coughing and spluttering. “I think I’ve got a cold again.”

Flamekit sighed. It had only been a moon, and Foxkit had gotten whitecough and now this. Applepelt, their mother, was always fretting about how Foxkit would die of sickness. But miraculously, he never did.

“Foxkit, do you want to be a warrior?” She asked, coming closer to him.

Foxkit coughed again. “No. I just want to get better.”

Flamekit knew that five cats were safer than four, even if the fifth cat was weak and sick. “Since the medicine cats are low on herbs, we can help them.”

Foxkit looked up, his vision clouded with sickness. “How?” He asked weakly.

“Simple,” Flamekit explained, “we go out, explore the territory, and come back with herbs. The herbs can help you feel better.”

Deep Blue Eyes-- a warriors fanfic (completed story!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن