Chapter 23

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Hazelflower’s pelt brushed against the trees of her home as she padded towards the RiverClan border. Thoughts churned in her head. Was Nightclaw just joking? Her sister never joked. Maybe she just had a sudden burst of anger and didn’t mean it… But Hazelflower knew that when Nightclaw promised something, she meant it, and wouldn’t stop until it was carried out. I need to warn Silverstripe.

“Silverstripe!” She called when she approached the border. “Silverstri-” She paused. Something rustled in the bushes behind her. Don’t be Nightclaw, please don’t be Nightclaw…

“Hazelflower?” It wasn’t Nightclaw, but someone Hazelflower would never have wanted to come in a million years.

“Hazelflower?” The voice came again. Hazelflower crouched down low, hoping that he would go away.

“What are you doing, Hazelflower?” Hazelflower rose and stared into the confused eyes of Patchfur.

“W-what are you doing?” Hazelflower stuttered.

“I saw you leave camp, and I didn’t know where you were going…” Patchfur trailed off. “Who’s Silverstripe?”

“N-No one!” Hazelflower gasped.

“I’m worried about you! You seem tired lately, and stressed, and when you came back from the patrol you were jumpy and anxious! I really care for you, Hazelflower, and I don’t want you to be this way!” Patchfur pressed closer to her.

Hazelflower drew away. “I-I can take care of myself.”

“You sound like Nightclaw. This isn’t you, Hazelflower. Let’s go back to camp.” Patchfur drew his tail across her back and stared into her eyes.

Dread flooded Hazelflower. I can’t tell him anything, but I can’t leave! Silverstripe will wonder where I am! She looked around desperately. “Squirrel!” She blurted, dashing away from Patchfur. She heard his shocked mew as he ran after her.

Hazelflower’s paws were a blur against the ground, and her breath was short and rapid. Was this how Nightclaw felt when she ran away from Berryheart? That there was nothing that could save you but to run away from someone who loves you?

Skidding to a halt, she found herself on the ThunderClan border. I nearly crossed it! She glanced back over her shoulder, but there was no sign of Patchfur’s pelt. The forest was dead silent.

“No! I am not going through ThunderClan territory! They cast me out and treated me like a rogue.”

“Come on, Flowerblaze. You know that the fastest way to get to the Moonpool is to cut through ThunderClan territory to the stream near WindClan and follow it up.”

Hazelflower froze. What are they doing here? She leaned in closer. The first voice belonged to Flowerblaze, but she couldn’t quite catch who the second voice belonged to.

“But we could just go around ThunderClan territory!” Flowerblaze hissed.

“We could, but we don’t know what lies there. There could be another stream that we’d follow instead. Or a fox or badger, which would slow us down.” Hazelflower caught a flash of claws and unforgettable deep blue eyes. Nightclaw!

“Hazelflower! Where are you?” Hazelflower jumped at the sound of Patchfur’s voice. It was barely audible, but it was there.

Hazelflower kept low and creeped closer to Flowerblaze and Nightclaw. Just before she would be in eyesight of them, she dashed back into the heart of ShadowClan territory in the direction of the RiverClan border. Please StarClan, let Silverstripe be there!

When she reached the border, she looked around for any sign of a silver pelt. There was none. Miserably, Hazelflower plopped down onto the grass. He must’ve left…

Suddenly, a shape flew over her and tackled her. Hazelflower squealed in shock and writhed under the unmistakable gaze of Silverstripe.

“I was looking for you everywhere!” He purred, sliding off her. Hazelflower licked her fur down and smiled at him.

“I’m sorry for the delay, but Patchfur found me and I had to make a bit of a detour.” She explained.

Silverstripe nodded in understanding. “I can understand that. It’s hard for us to meet up, and cats have been noticing how tired I am lately.”

“Same here!” Hazelflower blurted. Silverstripe darted forward and pressed his pelt to hers. Hazelflower drank in his warm, familiar scent. She wanted to stay here forever, comforted by her love without a care in the world.

“I need to tell you something, Silverstripe.” Hazelflower stepped away and stared at him sincerely.

Silverstripe’s eyes glimmered. “What is it?” He asked.

“It’s my sister, Nightclaw.” Hazelflower started.

“Wait, Nightclaw?” Silverstripe looked confused. “Is she a warrior?”

“Oh!” Hazelflower laughed. “I forgot! I’m a warrior now, and so is Nightpaw- Nightclaw now. I’m Hazelflower now.”

“That suits you,” he whispered. “You’re as beautiful as a flower.”

Hazelflower blushed.

“Now, what is it you were about to tell me?” Silverstripe slid closer.

“Oh, that…” Hazelflower’s tail drooped. “About Nightclaw.”

“What about her?” Hazelflower could detect a hint of disappointment in Silverstripe’s eyes. What did he want me to say?

“She found out about us.” Hazelflower sobbed. “She found out at the patrol. She told me that it was you who killed my sister.”

Silverstripe’s gaze fell to the ground. His ears flattened in shame.

“I don’t care about that, though. But Nightclaw did. She told me-” Hazelflower swallowed. “She told me that she was going to kill you.”

Silverstripe sprang back, eyes wide. “What? She wouldn’t do that!”

“You don’t know Nightclaw then. You saw her threaten Snowpaw at the border. When she makes a promise like that, she means it. I needed to warn you.”

“Then we need to leave.” Hazelflower was shocked by the determination in Silverstripe’s voice. “We need to leave the clans. If we stay, Nightclaw will kill us, and that can’t happen.”

“She never said anything about killing me…” Hazelflower mewed.

“But your heart would die without me there, Hazelflower. I’d die if you weren’t there. You’d be sad and miserable, and I’d be in StarClan. We’d be separated. That can’t happen. We need to run away before Nightclaw takes action.” Silverstripe pressed closer to her. “You need to trust me, Hazelflower. I love you!”

“And I love you,” Hazelflower breathed, “but I don’t think leaving the clans is the right choice.”

“Then what can we do?” Silverstripe mewed in defeat.

“We can’t meet anymore, Silverstripe.” Hazelflower hated the words that came out of her mouth. “We can’t. It won’t be long before someone finds out. If we separate, and I tell Nightclaw, she’ll decide it’s not worth your death anymore. And if someone finds out from either of our clans…”

Silverstripe stared at her sadly. “You’re right. We can’t meet.” His voice was choked in sadness.

“Goodbye, Silverstripe.” Hazelflower couldn’t hold back the tears that were building up in her eyes. “Goodbye.”

As she turned away to go back to camp, Silverstripe’s voice called after her. “I’ll always be there when you need me! I love you, Hazelflower!"

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