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'see you too my bub'.- Taehyung texted. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. As usual, I do my morning routine. You know, washing my face, brushing my teeth, all that stuff.

I grab yoga pants and hoodie and quickly put those on. After that I grabbed my comb and hair tie and tied my hair into a ponytail. I go out of the bathroom, put on my running shoes, grab phone and ear phones and I'm ready to go.

Time check: 6:43 a.m

I ready my playlist, get the earphones on, put my phone in my hoodie's pocket and got out of the building. I stopped for a while and breathed in the fresh air. I looked up the sky and the sun brightly greets me.

"The weather feels great."- I said. I closed my eyes and feel the cool breeze that was gently brushing on my skin.

"Hahhhhhhhhh."- I breathed out. I pressed shuffle on my playlist. Music starts to play, and I start my morning jog.

After 30 minutes of jogging I decided to go to the park. I sat on the bench near the big tree and watched the whole park.

The park was quiet, not in a bad way but in a good way. It was sunny but a little windy. The grass was swaying to the direction of the wind. I breathed in and out slowly. *Ha.... now this is relaxing.*

After a little while I decided to stand up and go to the pastry shop to get some biscuits and cookies. I jogged my way there since it was only a few minutes away.

I spotted the pastry shop and entered it. As usual they greeted my and I ordered. "Can I buy one pack of biscuits also one pack of cookies and two banana milk?"- I ordered.

The cashier quickly grabbed a pack of biscuits and cookies and the banana milk, they put them in a paper bag and rolled the top of the paper bag neatly. I payed for those and left the shop.

I took my phone from my hoodie and checked the time. 7:53 a.m. Hhm. It's still early. I unrolled the paper bag and opened the pack of cookies. I grabbed one and put it straight in my mouth. "They always make the best cookies."- I quietly mumbled as chew on the soft, chocolaty goodness.

"I should head back now."- I said. I finished the cookie and put the pack back to the paper bag.

After 15 minutes

I'm finally back at the dorm. It took me long to arrive since I was looking at those cute keychains that the lady was selling. And because I can't get over how cute they are, I bought one (and another one for Taehyung).

I enter the building and decided if I should take the stairs or the elevator. I decided to take the elevator since it would be more convinient. I entered the elevator and pressed the close door button.

But a hand came in between the closing doors. So I pressed the open button. The door then opened.

Light was blinding my eyes, I squinted my eyes a bit to get a better vision of who was infront of me. The person had long hair on the back, but not as long as a girl's so maybe it's a boy.

The boy was just standing there, his hands on his pockets and his head was tilted to the side.

"Why are you standing there. Come in."- I said. The boy then stepped in the elevator. *Oh, Taehyung.*

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