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I had never realy thought about death till it hit me.

Yeah sure it's a fearsome enemy and we fight it with all our might. We may try to deny it when it strikes someone dear to us, or, in the exuberance of youth , we may imagine that the enemy may never come to claim us - a delusion we cling to as long as we can....

I know i certanly did.

But now looking back it all seems so pointless... Some spend their whole lives fighting what WILL come to get us in the end... Now don't get me wrong, life is great and all but death's just the next adventure. And you can either go kiking and screaming in the after life like so many have or you can grab the bull by the reins and ride it into the next over. Seems great right ? No worrying about what might kill you, cause you know.. your already dead, what might mess up your future plans , worrying about you and only you. Yeah,maybe, just maybe my life hadn't been peachy-keen and everything that had lay ahead of me wasn't bright and promising but once when i was alive i did want to live, i mean i had something to live for...

Didn't i ? Course now i'll never know...

 Eh, oh well, screw it,man, dying sure did put a cramp in my style. Bummer. So as you can see my life in death is going great.... well it WAS till a certain nerd had to come to the place i died.. then it just went down hill from there, i was doing oh so fine on my own , worrying about me and no one else before she and her little snot nose class ruined that for me.... i mean honestly , who takes a feild trip to the chillingham castle , and stays there ?! Idiots, the entire lot of them... Oh yeah, i never introduced myself. My name is Josiah keith'lucious Clark. Josiah for short. I died at eight-teen, but my exact age at the moment is unknow ,i stopped counting after 1814. What can i say ? i had people to scare, things to do, a death to live. i didn't have time to count every year of my death. I mean honestly, and yes i know i say that alot, who was i going to invite ? It wasn't like i could  knock on the tower of london's door and be like "hey elizabeth , wanna party ?" , tho i have thought about becoming a ghost party-planner, the place is usualy lit up pretty high in ghost filth near Samhaine ; Damn ghost fraternity. And on night when im bored I wonder to myself, What would i put on a buisness card ?

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Josiah lucious, Dead kid. Yeah, i like the ring to that. I can see it now, a soot colored card with an outer gold linning :tasteful. Or one of those old fashioned fonts with gothic lure, but no frilly victorian script, last thing i need is my reputation screwd over because some jughead at FedX couldn't get my order right. Then there's the slogan, maybe something like : Josiah , colder than death, deeper than time, the paranormal cool kattOr my personel favorite : Josiah ; kik a$$ ghost. Not narcassistic and with a high amount of venomous cool... i hope. Well you obviously didn't come here to listen to me talk, but if you did, you my friend get a cookie, everyone who wanted to hear the story... well continue on my brave companion.

By the way, keep all hands and posible limbs that can be ripped off on the roller coaster of suspence in this story on the outside of the cart. Enjoy your ride thru the after life....

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