Chapter 2: Bandit

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As skylar flew through the sky on storm, she saw people walking by. "Let's hope they don't look up,"she muttered. She knew she would have to stop and rest somewhere soon. She had been flying 3 strait nights and days after all. She spotted a small clearing and decided to land there. She than began to set up her camp, she lit a fire and began to crush some berries into a jam to put on some bread she brought with her. Suddenly she heard a twig snap a little ways away. "Whose there,"she called. "Show yourself." There was no answer. Storm whined and pawed at the ground. "Maybe it's just our imagination buddy, said skylar." Hopefully...

Skylar descided to take a quick nap so she could travel at night where they would less likely be spotted. She woke up to an arrow wizzing past her head. "WHAT IN THE GODS NAME WAS THAT!? WHO IS THERE!?" she screamed. "Well well what do we have here?"cooed a voice. "A poor girl, all out here by herself. What a shame." "You still haven't answered my question," growled skylar. "Oh don't worry about that." Then a man in a black cloak came out of the trees. Skylar jumped back and drew out her small dagger. She had never used it before. But she hoped it would be enough to scare off the attacker. She was utterly wrong."You think I'm scared of that thing?" The bandit laughed, " I've seen children more threatening than you." With that he charged at skylar, sword drawn. Skylar side stepped and elbowed him in the back. He grunted and got back up. "Good move, but not good enough,"taunted the man. One of skylars green eyes turned red. This rarely happened, she knew she couldn't loose control, and she knew she would be fine as long as both eyes weren't red. "Try me." With inhuman speed she charged at the bandit and slashed his side. "Why you little...." he then summoned a wolf like shadow creature. It rushed at skylar and lunged at her. She dodged it and stared in shock. "How could you do that to that poor wolves soul!" She exclaimed. "You corrupted its soul and made it your slave... so your a soul bender aren't you!?" he chucked, "to bad you won't live long enough to find out," he threw a dagger at skylar head. She closed her eyes and prepared for the worst, but the dagger never hit her head. A small tree had shot out of the ground, the knife blade wedged firmly into the wood. The guy growled in frustration.

Just then there was another rustle in the bushes, "We'll take it from here miss, replied a voice." Then a boy, probably around 20 emerged into the clearing, followed by 3 other people who looked like knights. The bandits eyes widened and he disappeared into a cloud of black smoke. "WHAT THE!"the boy yelled. "Since when could be do that!?" "Ummmm.... if you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

Oh! My name is....


Hehehe cliff hanger! I am so sorry I haven't been writing! I have been busy this summer! Thank you for the 5 people who have read the first chapter! I am sorry this is a bit of a short chapter. But I still hope you enjoyed it!

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