Chapter 10: The Enemy

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"How far is this place!?" Skylar questioned, they'd been walking for 3 hours now. Skylar wanted to be fair and walked next to Storm, and chose not to ride him. Which gave her a few odd glances, but no one questioned her.

"Geez, could you be any more annoying?" Aurther questioned with an annoyed expression. Skylar puffed up her cheeks and looked straight forward, she knew it sounded a bit childish to be asking that question, but she didn't care. Jonathan gave her a sympathetic look. "The village is actually a two day journey from here." Skylar looked at him in shock, "I though you said it wasn't a long walk." "It's not to long, considering the fact that the second closest village is a six day journey." Skylar sighed heavily, she wasn't used to walking for so long. 

Everything became silent again, but for Skylar, it was to quiet. "Stop,"Skylar ordered. Aurther gave her an angry side glance. "What's wrong Skykar?" Ali asked. Skykar didn't say anything, she just let her instincts take over. She had seen the glistening metal in the dead leaves a few feet away from them. "There," she pointed. She walked a few feet away and grabbed a stick, she then made her way over to the trap, she pushed the stick into the small circular panel in the middle of the trap. The iron jaws of the trap snapped shut over the stick, a green liquid laced the spikes in its mouth. 

A gasp was heard from behind her, "How... how did you know that was there?" Ali questioned shakily. Skylar wasn't paying attention to him, she was to busy clutching her hand, some of the green stuff from the trap has slashed onto her skin, causing the skin to rip open and blood to gush out, the skin around the edges had turned an unnerving purple color. Her vision started to blur from the amount of pain she was feeling. "Poison," she rasped. "Poison?" Aurther questioned, Skylar held up her hand to reveal the 3 inched gash on the top of her hand. They all stared at it in shock, Hope was the first one to react. 

"Oh my gods Skylar! Come here!" She ran over to Skylar, while opening a water bottle. She gently grasped her hand and pored the water into the cut. Skylar hissed and struggled to keep her hand still. Aurther and Jonathan were next to rush over. "Geez, I'm happy you spotted that, that would have taken someone's foot clean off." Ali muttered from behind. Jonathan was lightly grasping Skylar's shoulder, while Aurther looked at her concerned, "Are you ok?" He asked. Skylar let out a shaky chuckle, "Do I look ok?" Aurther bit his tongue, turning back to the trap, "I'v seen some pretty weird stuff, but this has to be the weirdest," He said, "Sure there are positions that can tp urn your skin, or make it a bit irritated if it comes in contact with skin. But this," he gestured towards the trap, "Isn't like anything I'v seen before." A matter of agreement could be heard from almost everyone. "It's blood weed," Skylar started. "It's a weed that grows next to a lava source, it melts anything it's poison comes in contact with. Like lava, but a little less extreme." Luke looked baffled, "But how's that possible? Plants can't grow like that." "Magic," Skylar started again. Everyone looked at her dumbfounded, except Aurther. The topic wasn't picked back up after that.

After Skylar's wound was cleaned and wrapped, they all sat down for a small break. Everyone was quietly talking amongst themselves, while Skylar was staring off into space. How could someone have gotten blood weed? Wasn't it all wiped out after the Great War? It clearly wasn't, but it made Skylar worry. If someone, or something had their hands on that, it could bring a lot of distruction. Maybe she could call out to the trees and see if they sensed a strong fire magic plant. There were a few already, hellblosson, firerose, and red snapper, nut nine were as dangerous as blood weed. Suddenly a rustle in the bushes pulled her out of her trance. "Well, well, Well, what do we have here?"a cheery voice called. A mans in a black cloke stepped out of the trees. Skylar instantly recognized him, he was the man that had attacked her a few days ago. His gaze shifted towards her, "Oh! What a lovely surprise!" He cooed as his smiled reached his eyes. "Fancy seeing you here!" He saluted her. "You know him?" Aurther questioned. Skykar couldn't speak, she was to afraid. Everyone leaped up into a defensive position. "Now, now, please just stop, don't make this any harder than it has to be." He snapped his fingers and ten other figures in clokes appeared, Skylar's eyes danced nervously around her. She could tell only two others had magic. The guys eyes flickered down to her hand, "Would you look at that! You discovered my trap!" He tapped his chin, "Though, I wish it would have taken a limb off. It would have been fun to watch you wither around in pain." He flashed her a smile, while Aurther stepped defensively in front of Skylars shaking frame. The man turned to the rest of the group. "Now then, shall we begin?" The figures in clokes stepped forward. 

"Ummm guys, I don't mean to alarm anyone, but what do we do." Ali whispered shouted. "Ok, I know this seems stupid, but... RUN FOR IT!" Alvin cried, with that everyone dispursed and ran opposites directions, bandits chasing them all. Skylar ran was fast as her legs could carry her. She could tell she was putting some sort of distance between them. Suddenly a figure appeared infront if her, she squealed and stumbled back. The hooded figure reached down and grabbed her hair and pulled back hard, Skylar let out a shreak in pain. She grabbed the guys arm and flipped in into the ground. A jagged root appeared out of the ground, inpaling him through his stomach, Skylar watched in horror as blood began to seep out of his stomach, and blood pooled in his mouth, he let out a cry, only for it to be turned into a gurgle from the blood. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, his body giving one more jerk, then falling limp. Skykar stared at his body for a few more seconds, before high tailing it out of there. A few years fell from her eyes, she didn't mean to kill the guy... she felt a little part of her heart turn cold at what she'd just done.

 Skylar ran around a tree and into some bushes, throwing herself onto her stomach. She listened carefully as the footsteps slowed, the ran past the bush she was hiding in. She let out a shaky sigh in victory. "Be quiet."a voice from behind her said. She spun around to be face to face with Aurther. Was he following her... did he see what she did?! She mentally panicked, but had to remain calm. She scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Come on, we need to move." Skylar nodded and ran after him, footsteps and shouts could be heard in the distance. Aurther let out a frustrated growl, while Skylar looked up in a tree. "Can you climb?" she asked. Aurther gave her a stupid look, "If course I can." "Then start monkey boy!" She yelled while launching herself two feet until the air to grab the first branch, she then began to haul herself up the tree, wincing at the pain in her hand. She could hear Aurther's clumsy climbing skills behind hers, once they were both about fifteen feet into the tree, they both stopped on a large branch. All they could do now, was wait and see if the bandits would discover their hiding spot.

A:N/ this has been edited for grammar and more story plot. Enjoy!!

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