Chapter 8: A New Day

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A:N/ hello fellow readers, as a late a Christmas gift, I have made an extra longer chapter, hope you enjoy! :3 also I re posted this chapter, I made some changes.

Skylar stood in the middle of an open field, she was surrounded by flowers. She wore a pale while dress and no shoes. She stared off into the distance, and ocean could be seen. "Where am I...?" She asked. "No where, and everywhere." Replied a voice. Skylar turned around, and nearly jumped in fright. Before her stood a women, around her height, she had wolf ears and a tail, she also wore a pale dress like Skylar.  But that's not what scared her... the women had a gaping hole in her chest, blood was gushing from it. Skylar's hands flew to her mouth. "Please, don't worry," said the women, "It doesn't hurt." "How could it NOT HURT!?" "Because I'm not real. I'm simply a figure your mind has created. Though, I wish you had seen me differently." "But.... oh, I'm dreaming...?" Questioned Skylar. "In simplest terms, yes" "Wellll.... ok then." The women's gaze shifted from Skylar to the ocean. "You have much to learn... all in good time." "I don't understand." "I know you don't now, but all will be clear soon. But no more time to waste. I'm here to warn you." The women started simply. "Warn me about what?"

 The women sighed "Skylar, in your life time, you will face many challenges, some harder than others. You must choose what to do, whether it be right, or wrong in another persons eyes." The women sat down and began to pick at a rose. She the looked at Skylar, "When the time comes, you must do what is right, trust your instincts, do not listen to the darkness." "What darkness?" Questioned Skylar. "The darkness that lives in all of us... the darkness that leads us to war and distruction. Along with  greed, power, and other things. You must overcome it all, you must rise above it, you must put aside your feelings for the safety of others." Skylar looked bewildered, she didn't know what to say. "Here, I am to deliver this to you." With that, the women grabbed a bow, that somehow appeared descided her. "This, this is the now that belonged to the first goddess of the birds of the sky's, and the animals of the land." Skylar gasped, no... it couldn't be... "Is t-that... Golden Destiny...?" "Yes, this is the ledgendary bow of Elara. And it is now yours." Skylar stared at her, this was a sacred treasure. 

There were only 2 that were known of. They were a sword and a scythe, there were 12 in all, it was said, that when the first gods and goddesses were alive, they hand crafted weapons that were fit for them. When the Great War of dimensions happened. They were all lost and scattered. "Wait... how do you have this..." she whispered. "I am the guardian of this bow, known as Elara." Skylar couldn't believe it, she just couldn't. There was NO way... she had died millions of years ago. Elara chuckled, "Yes Skylar, I am her... Well, I am the soul of her. I have been hiding in the bow for over 4 million years, waiting for the chosen one. And you Skylar," she looked her dead in the eye. "Are that one, the one who will save us all." 

Skylar shot up out of bed, panting hard, was that real... there's no way. She took in a shaky breath and swung her legs over the bed and stood up. Her gaze shifted to the corner of her room at the inn. There, under the pale morning light, stood a bow. It had frame of dark oak wood, along with multiple patterns scattered throughout the shaft. At the top, there was a wolf, jumping out of the rest of the wood, its face twisted into a snarl, springing at an imaginary enemy. Then a string held onto the end of the wood frame tightly, it looked as if the string was name of gold. Skylar started in shock, she slowly made her way over to the bow. The bow hummed with a magical energy, it was calling to her. 

Skylar slowly bent down and placed her hand on the bow. She felt a burst of magic run through her whole body, magically, an arrow was knotted into the bow. It looked to be made out of a pale green light, the point of the arrow had a sharp tip, and the end had 3 sets of feathers. Skylar stared in amazement, she was holding a Golden Destiny. "Oh my gods..." She knew people couldn't see it, there were people that had spent there whole lives searching for this treasure. People who had killed for it. For some reason, she knew what to do. The confused her energy onto the bow, and opened a sort of forex in the back of her mind, there, she placed the bow, and it was gone. Skylar opened her eyes, she had one of the sacred treasures... she blindly stumbled around her room, threw on some clothes, went out of her room, down the hallway, and out the door.

"You look like you've seen a ghost lad." Called a voice, Skylar turned and saw Alvin walking up to her with a smile on his face. "O-Oh, no, I'm fine." She responded. "Well, that's good to hear, just wanted to let you know that we're leaving later today, so just be ready to go." With that, he walked past Skylar, and around some buildings. Skylar drew in a deep breath and shook her head. "Come on girl, your fine, get a grip." Suddenly Skylar felt very out of her element, she didn't know where to go, or what to do. So she began to wonder around in the market place.

 She ended up buying some new clothes, 2 pairs of jeans, 2 shirts, one was black, and one was black with little roses printed along the top of the collar. She also bought a 2 piece swim suit, because that's all they had, though, she wound have preferred a one piece, but that's all the store sold. Then suit was a simple, solid black, two piece. Skylar browsed a bit more, and bought a few other necessities, she was how walking down the roads, looking at some more shops. Her day was actually turning out well, she was having more fun than she had had in a while, that is, until SOMEONE showed up. 

"Skylar, I need to talk with you." A voice said. Skylar turned around, and was almost tempted to run the opposite direction. Aurther was running to catch up with her, man, she just couldn't catch a break. She mentally sighed and looked to face Aurther, "What do you want?" Aurther stopped in front of her and... looked awkward. "Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened yesterday. I shouldn't have yelled at you, you were just scared, and I was afraid that... that... UGHHH, that guy had hurt you." Skylar looked at him dumbfounded, did Aurther just apologize!? "Oh, w-well thank you, and I'm sorry I snapped at you, I was just a bit shaken up." She responded. "Ya, I know.... and I should also, be thanking you, we've been trying to catch that guy for almost a month now. If we could do our jobs better, maybe we could have done so." He said with a slight smirk. Skylar realized he had been referring to her comment the other night. "Oh, I'm sorry I said that..." she said. Aurther smiled at her, "Ha, it's ok, I'm just messing with you." Skylar smiled back. "So, what are you doing this morning?" "Oh, nothing much, I'm just BORED out of my mind, oh, and I'm shopping." Aurther's eyes flickered to the shops and he nodded in undertstanding. "Well, if you want, I can begin to train you." He suddenly look flustered, "I mean, if you want to, it never hurts to have some training, and the queen also mentioned something about you training to be a knight...." he trained off. Skylar smiled lightly, "sure, if you don't mind." Aurther than started to walk with her to the training grounds. All was well... until someone came barreling towards them.

Ooohhh who do you think that is? Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

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