Chapter 5: Unpleasant encounter

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Skylar and the group had been trudged through the brush for the past 4 hours, her legs were screaming and begging her to sit down because she wasn't used to walking so much. "We are almost there guys." Alvin said, "about another hour." "You call that almost there!?" Moaned Ali. Storm whined in agreement. Joanathan fell into step with Skylar. "How are you doing," He Questioned, "I'm ok I guess, I'm just not used to walking so much," "you'll get used to it." "So I wanted to ask you something." Said Joanathan. "What," "Well, after we stop at this village, would you consider coming to live in ours? I understand if you already have on and don't want to come, but you look like you've been here for a while, though you might want to get back to civilization." Skylar had never been offered something like this. "I don't know... I might want to keep traveling." Joanathan face fell for a second then he regained his composure. "If you change your mind, then you can always ask." She gave him a reassuring smile then he trotted back to the head of the group. The truth was, Skylar didn't trust these people quite yet. She didn't want to open herself up much to people. She knew the consequences of trusting people you just met. She shuttered at the though of Lily, watching her body fall limply to the ground and her and her kills disappearing in a flash of light. The rest of the time they walked in silence until they cam upon a bridge. "Not much farther now," assured Ali. He gave Skylar a received smile, she returned it with one of her own.

"Hello welcome to WindKeep, please make yourselves...." a boy trailed off. He had black hair and  armore like the rest of the knights, but he had a hood attached to his back. "Joanathan and his band of misfits, and what do I owe the pleasure to?" He mocked. "Aurther, great." Uttered Joanathan, "We have come to talk to lady Sylvia," Aurther sneered "Very well, I will send for her." He called another guard and told him to get Sylvia. His gaze then fixed in Skylar, "And who is this. Another misfit I see, great." "EXCUSE ME!" Skylar roared "Who are you calling a misfit you...." "Skylar calm down." Alvin cutter her off. "Ya, don't let him get under your skin," said Joanathan, sending a glare toward Aurther. "Whatever," He huffed. Storm snapped his teeth a angerly in Authers direction. Skylar smiled in satisfaction as he flinched. Just then the Knight Aurther sent came back. "Lady Sylvia as sent for you."he said, he glanced behind Skylar at Hope. "Hope! What a wonderful surprise," he cheered. "Wish I could say the same Luke," She teased. "That's not how you should treat your brother!" He cried dramatically. Aurther rolled his eyes. "Can we please go, I can't stand another moment of this." With that he stalked off towards what Skylar assumes as the palace. The rest trailed behind him, Skylar left Storm at the enterence of the palace, "Stay here buddy," she said. I'll be back soon. With that, she turned torwards the HUGE palace and stepped inside.


A:N/ I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'll try and post at least once a week, so Be on the look out!

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