Chapter 9: Travels

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Ok before I even begin to write, I wanted to say thank you all so much for 100 reads! That's so insane! Y'all are truly the best! Also if y'all see this, leave a comment so I can see who you are. Now on to the story!! 💖💖 I have also edited it a bit

Skylar took a startling step back, for the person who was running towards her and Aurther, was none other than Jonathan. "SKYLAR!" Jonathan yelled, Aurther looked around nervously. "I want to train you, but this thing beat me to it!" Aurther's nervous look turned into a cocky one. "Well, for your information," Aurther put his arm around Skylar, while Skylar visibly tensed up. "I'm the one who's supposed to train her, after all, I was assigned by Lady Sylvia." Jonathan looked to Skylar for help, but she was to busy avoiding his gaze. "Unbelievable," He muttered. "Come here, I need to talk you you for a second." With that, he pulled Skylar out of Aurther's strong grip, and off to the side. "Listen, I know he's being nice right now. But he's only doing it to annoy me, you don't know the guy like I do." Skylar looked at him in shock, sure, the guy was rude to her when they first met, but she could see he wasn't al, that bad. "Well, he actually volunteered to do it, and he came to apologize for what happened last night."Skylar said stiffly. "He came to check and see how I was doing after you know what happened. That's more than you've done so far." Jonathan recoiled, looking visibly hurt. While Skylar stalked past him and back to Aurther. "Let's go." Skylar said gruffly. 

"Well, this is it." Aurther stated. The training area was covered in sand, it had targets and dummies to practice on. Over all, it was a 20 by 20 foot place, it was pretty big. "Actually, I don't think I know what you primarily use as your weapon." He said. "Oh, well I usually use a bow, but I also have a sword." She gestured to the things strapped to her back. "Though, I'm not the best shot, and I can't really use the sword that well." She chuckled. Author nodded, "Well, I supposed that's should be suspected, coming from you." Oh my gods, was this guy serious. And here she thought he was turning out to be nice. She was visibly struggling to keep herself from lashing out at him. "Anyways," he ignored her discomfort, "We can use the bow today, maybe some other time I can teach you how to use the sword." Skylars mind flashed to the bow given to her by Elara, "how would she even use that..." she mentally sighed and pulled out her bow.

She stood about 13 feet away from the target. She drew and arrow out of her quiver and strung it. She then set her stance and drew back on the bow. Her eyes were focused solely on the target, she let her two fingers off the arrow and watch it fly. And landed in a near by tree. She growled while Aurther chuckled. "Why don't you..." before he could finish his sentence Skylar had already strung another arrow and had fired again, this time hitting the post on which the  dummy was held on. She was about to fire another one when she felt a hand on her shoulder, "Relax, let me help." Aurther muttered. "You need to straighten your shoulder more, and sometimes closing one eye can help." Aurther moves him hands to both her shoulders and drew back on them. Skylar stiffened, "You also need to relax." Skylar sighed and took her stance again. She pulled back the arrow and fired. She hit the target square in the chest. "Yes!" She exclaimed.  "See, told ya you could do it." Aurther chuckled. Skylar was suddenly aware of how close he was, he was about 5 inches taller than her, so she had to look up at him. His blue eyes started down back at her. A red hue began to spread across her cheeks.

 They stared at each other for a few more seconds before a voice behind them spoke. "I though this was a training session, not a make out session." Jonathan sneered.  Immediately  the two jumped back from each other, Aurther... actually looking embarrassed, while Skylar looked furious. "Umm, he was just showing me how to shoot properly! Nothing even happened!" She exclaimed. Jonathan just rolled his eyes and smiled at her. "Na, I'm just messing with ya." Skylar sighed and smiled back. "Geez, y'all act like your five years old." Aurther said. "Well, at least I would be a hot five year old. Unlike sooome people." Jonathan shot back. "Please, your just intimidated on how manly I am." Aurther commented. Skylar shook her head and began to walk away from the two bickering children. "Where are you going!" They both shouted. "To find a real man." Skylar called. They both looked at her in bewilderment, while she only smirked at them. 

Later that day, Hope came and got Skylar. "Hay, we're all ready to go. Go grap Storm and meet us by the gates." She stated. Skylar ran down to the stables where Storm was. "Hay boy, did ya miss me?" Storm nudged his head happily into her shoulder. "Awww I missed you to buddy." She the began to lead him out of the stables and down to the front gates. 

"Glad you finally made it!" Ali said. "So, are we all ready to go?" Jonathan questioned, steeling a quick glance at Skylar. "I believe you are, but please, let us escort you back." A voice said from behind them. They turned and were met with Sylvia, Aurther, and Luke. "I'll send two of my best knights to assist you." "Oh no, that's ok," Jonathan started, staring at Aurther. "We can take care of ourselves." "Nonsense, it's already been descided," smiled Sylvia. Her voice left no room for argument. Jonathan sighed in defeat, while Aurther smirked. "Well, as long as I get to talk to this beautiful lady here," Luke gestured to Skylar. "Then I should be fine." He flashed a, I supposed what he could call "sexy" smile at Skylar. Skylar didn't even acknowledge his presents. She just turned back to Storm and walked a few paces away from there Luke was, while Jonathan glared daggers at Luke, and Aurther growled under his breath.

Hope clapped her hands, "Well, we'll be off then! Thank you so much again!" With that she walked out the font grates, everyone else in  pursuit. She leaned twords Skylar, "Sorry about him, just ignore his comments," she said apologetically. "Don't worry about it, I'm one step ahead of you!" She giggled. 

Little did they know, this wasn't going to go as smoothly as planned.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if it's not the best, I tried 😪😅

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