.Chapter 7: Cafe

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Skylar looked around in awe, she had never... SEEN SUCH AN ADORABLE CAFE! Well, she hasn't seen one. But she was sure this would be qualified as cute. The walls were painted a dark shade of purple with white trimmings. And there were little cat paw prints running across the wall.

"Hello, welcome to the Cat Cafe! How can I help you?"  A girl in a short maids outfit asked. "Oh, can I order something from here?" Asked Skylar. "Yes, just take a seat over by the window and I will be right here, oh! And here's your menu." With that the girl ran back around, and into the kitchen. Skylar took a seat and stared out the window. Suddenly she felt something rub against her leg, she looked down and saw a fluffy creature with 2 huge blue eyes. "OOOOOOOMMMMMM GODS!"  It was a fluffy black cat! Skylar reaches down to pet it, and it rubbed its head against her hand. "Oh, I'm sorry about Willow," the same girl that's greeted Skylar said. "Oh, don't worry, it's fine, I love animals!" Skylar looked up at the girl and her mouth fell open. The girl had a pair of..... CAT EARS!? The girl looked around confused, "what? Do I have something on my face." Skylar shook her head, "Um no, sorry, I just didn't know you were a werecat." She had read about them in her books,  but she had never seen one up close. "Yes, I know, surprising right..." the girl chuckled nervously. "I know you probably don't like them..." "WHAT!? Are you serious?! I love them!" The girl smiled, "Well that's a relief, some people don't, some people don't like me because of it, they think I'm a low class creature." Skylar started at her in shock. "Why," "I don't really know, it's a shame though... OH! I forgot to introduce myself, hi, in April, and I will be your server today."

After Skylar ordered some mint tea, she began to play with Willow. "Yesssss, human! You must pet me!" Meowed Willow. "Hay, I don't have to do anything," sad Skylar while taking her hand away. "What!? You c-can understand me!?" "Yes, Yes I can." The cat looked around bewildered. "Since when could humans do that!?" "Who said I was human?" winked Skylar. "Oh hell no. I'm out." With that the cat took off in the opposite direction of Skylar.

"Here's your mint tea, do you need anything else?" Questioned April. "No, but thank you." With that April left Skylar alone. Skylar began to sip on her tea, by now the sun was starting to set, she should probably find a place to sleep soon. She quietly finished off her tea, and left the money, and a tip for April. She than walked out of the cafe. She was walking down the roads when she heard a terrified voice. "P-Please don't hurt me," a women cried. "Well honey, you should have though about that before you bumped into me" a man replied. Skylar felt her anger boil, the women clearly didn't mean to run into the guy. "Well, maybe you can do something for me in return.."the guy said  sneakily. The guy reached towards the girls bow that was around her neck and tugged at it. Skylar had seen enough. She stomped over to where the women and bastard were. "Get your hands off of her." Skylar threatened. "Awww, your adorable, maybe I can have you too." The man smiled wickedly. By then, the other women had slipped out behind Skylar and was running towards the street. Skylar let out a sigh of relief, she could hold her own against this guy.. right. Skylar suddenly realized the position she was in, the guy, standing 6:3, was big, not totally fat, she could see muscles on his upper arms. But he was kind of chubby. Skylar started backing towards the wall. She was scared. The guy followed her steps and slammed her shoulders against the wall. She let out a muffled scream. "Ohh, poor baby, are you gonna cry?" The man mocked. Something inside Skylar snapped, like someone flipped a switch inside her. She started to smile, and laugh. The man was taken aback "What are you laughing at!?" He barked. Skylar proceeded to punch him square in the nose. Blood was gushing down the guys newly broken nose. He looked at her in terror. "What the..." Skylar then kicked him square in the solar plexus, the man flew back and hit the wall 10 feet away. Skylar then realized what she had done. "Oh my gosh... what did I do!?" The guy now had blood running down his forhead from a cut he got on impact. "SKYLAR!? ARE YOU OK!!" she heard someone call. Jonathan and Alvin ran around the cornor and stopped, they just started at the man, then back to Skylar. Skylar felt herself unravel, she had come down from her high. A single tear ran down her cheek. "We sent Ali to get the guards. Are you ok?"asked Jonathan. "I'm fine."she muttered.

15 minutes later, more knights had showed up. They began questioning Skylar, she had been saying the same answers over and over again. But they kept asking. "That enough, guys, give it a rest." A voice behind them said." Skylar looked at he guy who told the order. It was Aurther. She couldn't believe it, this guy was defending her. She was baffled. The knights left and started to help with the clean up. "Are you ok? He didn't hurt you did he." Asked Aurther while scanning her  for injuries. "No, I'm ok..." Aurther let out a sigh. "That's good... NOW WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" Skylar started at him in shock. "Ummm..." Aurther cut her off. "No, what you did was stupid and reckless, you could have gotten hurt, or killed!" Skylar felt her anger flare once again. She knew it shouldn't, he was worried about her, but she didn't care. "Well excuse me for helping someone" she shouted, "Maybe if people did the JOB this wouldn't happen!" With that she stomped away, not waiting to hear his response.

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