Monday night

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Valerie's POV

I woke up to a pounding on my head and on instinct shoved whatever was on my off and opened my eyes seeing Wittney. "WHAT THE HECK!" I screamed.

Wittney stares at me and says "you said I was crazy."

I rolled my eyes, oh so mommy dearest told her. "Look Blondie you've ran into the balcony glass doors 10 times since I've

She of course quickly pipes in saying "ITS CONFUSING! I can see the outside world but I can't go! See through doors are the worst! Oh yeah and mommy says I'm not crazy I'm special" I laughed at this cause she's not wrong.

  I walked out of my room to the tv where Tony was watching America Ninja Warrior. It looks boring so I snatched the remote turning on a show I recorded last night since the show comes on after my bedtime.

The opening theme of Monday Night Raw plays. Tony looked confused then glares saying "you know this wrestling stuff is violent and will make you think violence is ok"

I scoffed looking at him "and your point is?" Tony looked shocked and was backing away slowly and without even looking up I said "leave the cheese balls."

Steve's POV

I sat in the main room looking over some files for a friend trying to make sense of it all when tony walks in with his head bleeding. Shaking my head at him I ask "what happened?"

Tony glares "your kid happened! I wouldn't share my cheese balls and she did some weird 'oooooaaahhhh' thing then speared me though a table and then curb stomped me! So no Steve I don't think your kid is normal"

I rolled my eyes looking back at the file. "I found her biological parents."

This caught Tony's attention "OOOOOH drama!!! Let me hear!" He exclaimed.

I stared blankly before saying "ever heard of a man named Dean Ambrose?"

Tony shook his head "well he's a wrestler which explains her love for the sport and her mom was a night life performer named 'Karma'" I continued, but of course Tony piped in with his smart ass remarks saying "Steve call her what she is. Come on say it. Come on. Stripper. S-t-r-i-p-p-e-r."

I glared at him before continuing "anyways I doubt her dad even knows about her, but I keep wondering if I should tell him.....he has a right to know, but I don't want to lose my baby girl......"

Sadish chapter I know I know. But I'm alive

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