Tragedy or is it?!?

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Steve's POV
I was doing some research on Bucky when Val and the Barton's returned.

"Hey baby how was the park?" I asked enthusiastically as I quickly exited the site I was on and deleting the history and when I finally looked up I saw my worst fears coming to life. Valerie's dad was here.

"Daddy number 1 meet daddy number 2" Valerie says giggling.

I watched the man with a clenched jaw hand me a folder and I opened it then threw it. How dare he!?!

"Your not taking my baby!" I said in a stern voice. He can't. She's all i have. All I can think about is my babygirl growing up and I don't think I can do this without her....not anymore. Tears were swelling in my eyes and my demeanor was breaking.

The man looked at me. "It's joint custody....with my schedule I just want a couple visits a month. I did a little research on you Mr. Rogers and...well I'm proud my daughter calls you dad" Dean held out his hand and I shook it letting out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Valerie kicked me in the shin "dude! Grow a pair and man up. Save the tears for the pillow!"

To be honest I'm really worried about her lack of empathy lately, however my thoughts were interrupted by Starks kid Jake.

"Hey stupid I bet my dad makes more money than both your "dads" combined" Jake said snuggly laughing at her.

This shocked me and Dean as we openly were unable to believe this kids rude words. My thoughts of course were interrupted once again by MY babygirl throwing a right hook at Jake nailing him in the jaw.

I heard Dean say in awe "yup definitely my kid that was a GORGEOUS right hook darlin!"

Valerie seemed pleased with her work and she dusted off her hands and looked at me saying "so what's up with the bed situation we still gonna have to put it in the suitcase for Deans house?"

I loudly groaned what is up with this kid and her old bed!?!

Steves BabyWhere stories live. Discover now