Episode 3, 10 Remain

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama, I let the Brains design that day's challenge. And the Brains lost to the challenges they made. Isn't that nice. That day it was hello Noah and bye-bye Heather. Who will Noah eliminate next?

Noah: I'm right here ya know.

Chris: Will Jo learn to actually help her teammates? Find out here on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn. *Theme plays*

*Camera show Jo and her teammates eating breakfast*

Jo: Finally, we actually get to eat real food for once. 

Tyler: I know right, that slop from yesterday was the worst. 

Jo's confessional: I have my eliminations all planed out. Eva's gotta go now, then Duncan. Then Lightning. Then Tyler. I'll bring Max to the finale with me. Like he could ever win. Just have to make sure he dose not get voted off. *End*

*Camera shows Team Brain sulking in the cave*

Scarlett: It was more your fault that we lost the last challenge. But we also did not know that Heather had an allergy. Heather only left last episode cause we needed her gone. 

Max: What about Courtney? She lost her challenge too!

Scarlett: We didn't vote her off cause she isn't a threat to the team. 

Courtney's confessional: She thinks i'm not a threat! Oh i'll show her a threat! *End*

Scarlett: Noah isn't going to save you this time mister. If we lose this challenge your going to be the one going home!

Max: I'll show you i'm a valuable asset to this team. And a Evil asset to this team Mwahahahah.

Scarlett: Oh please.

Chris: Attention all campers please report to the docks. It's challenge time!


Chris: This a double elimination challenge.

Everyone: Gasps! 

Chris: Yes, the losing team get to eliminate two people. Wouldn't want that to happen to ya. Now, to begin today's challenge. For this challenge you must take a fishing rod. And fish inside a pool of the worlds most disgusting seafood. Whatever you fish become part of what your team has to eat. Each team member goes once and has one minute to fish until he or she has to give someone else a turn. When you have all gone, you must bring your seafood to Chef, then Chef will cook the food up into a meal that each member of your team has to eat. The first team to finish all of their food wins invincibility, and bottles of Pepto Bismol. The losing team gets to send two people. Courtney and Jo, your up.

Courtney: If I pull up something disgusting. Blame Chris!

*Courtney pulls up a starfish and a octopus tentacle. Jo pulls up a clump of seaweed and a water snake.* 

Jo: Are you kidding me?! I have to eat that snake!!!

Courtney: It's not that disgusting. 

Chris: Tyler and Cameron. Your up next. 

Cameron: I'm going to put some good luck fish bait. 

Tyler: Please no squids, please no squids.

Tyler's confessional: I hate squids. Their so slimy and gross. *End*

*Tyler pulls up a dead fish and Mr Coconut. Cameron pulls up a nettle jellyfish*

Courtney: Cameron! Why did you put that bait on there!

Cameron: I thought I could pull up a actual edible fish.

*Scarlett pulls up a salmon and a octopus. Duncan Pulls up Irene.*

Duncan: Isn't this DJ's fish from season three.

Chris: Correct you are.

Duncan: DJ is gonna be so sad. 

*Max pulls up absolutely nothing. and Lightning pulls up some unknown red goo.*

Jo: Ewww. What is that?

Chris: Something I found on the floor on chefs kitchen. 

Jo: Please Eva! Pull up something that's not gross.

Eva: I'll try

*Noah pulls up a wet marshmallow. And Eva pulls up a bottle of Mama Spice.*

Eva: Yessss! We got Mama Spice!

Chris: I just knew someone would get that. Now, take you bowls of disgustingness to Chef.


*Chef turned what the teams caught into a puree and served it to the teams in bowls.*

Chef: And here is you can of Mama spice Team Brawn.

*Jo reaches for the Mama spice and sprinkles it on her puree.*

Jo: It can't be too bad. 

*Jo takes a bite.* 

Jo: Wow, this is really good!

*Team Brawn starts devouring their food*

Courtney: It's not too late guys! We can still win this.

*Courtney takes a bite.*

Courtney: Wow, this is also quite good. 

*Soon both teams a chowing down their food. Courtney, Jo, Tyler and Eva finish.*

Courtney: C'mon guys hurry up! 

*Max, Scarlett, Cameron and Duncan finish.*

Courtney: C'mon Noah just a few more bites.

Cameron: Wait... I don't feel so good. Ugh *Starts barfing*

*Courtney, Scarlett and Max start barfing everywhere.*

*Camera shows Noah covered in barf*

Noah: I don't really wan't to eat any more. 

Lightning: Finished! Sha-Lightning!

Chris: And the Brawns win! Brains, clean yourselves up and meet me at the campfire.


Chris: As you all know, two of you are going home tonight.The first two marshmallows go to Scarlett and Max. Three of you remain. Noah, you didn't finish in time for your team to get the win. Cameron, you caught that horrible jellyfish which caused you team to barf everywhere. Courtney, all you did was give your team motivation and yell at Cameron for his mistake. And the last marshmallow goes to...Noah. 

Courtney: What?!?! 

Chris: Shocking isn't it. Cameron and Courtney your both out of here. 

Cameron: Bye guys, thanks for eliminating me. 

*Courtney and Cameron are fired out of the slingshot.*

Chris: Will the Brawns keep their winning streak up? I feel like Noah has something to do with the votes. Find out next time on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn.

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