Episode 8, 5 Remain

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama. We had a hide and go seek challenge with our contestants. But one of them just had to go and ruin it for everyone. We sent Eva packing that day cause Noah saw Eva commit the crime. And you know what they say "Let the punishment for the crime." And elimination seemed fir enough. We have a "little surprise" for Scarlett this episode. What will it be fine out here on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn! *Theme plays*

*Camera focuses on Scarlett laying on the floor of the island control room.*

Scarlett: What am I doing here? Chrisssssss!!! 

*A screen turns on showing Chris*

Chris: This is all apart of today's challenge. 

Scarlett: You better explain this.

Chris: As soon as the others wake up.

*All the other contestants slowly wake up somewhere else in the underground control tunnels.*

Jo: Where are we?

Tyler: Beats me.

Noah: There are the underground control tunnels from season six. Somewhere in this maze of tunnels is a room that controls the whole island. 

Staci: Did you you know my great-great-great uncle Steve invented tunnels before him-

Jo: We don't care! All we want to know is why are we here?

*A monitor screen pops up for all the contestants to see.*

Chris: For this challenge Scarlett will be in the control room dishing out obstacles for you guys. Tyler, Jo, Noah and Staci. You have three hours to find the control room. If you find the control room, Scarlett is eliminated. If you don't make it under three hours, there will be an elimination ceremony and Scarlett has invincibility. Scarlett, your job is to try and stop the rest of the contestants from getting into where you are. And don't try to take over the island again. The controls on and control things only in the tunnels. We have a island control room in a completely different place. Okay, time start now!

Jo: *Looks around, see four different doors* I think we should split up we can find her easier, if we do find her we can call out to each other.

Noah: Alright then lets go.

*They each go through different doors*

*Camera focuses on Noah*

Noah: I wonder how big this place is? 

*Steps into a huge room. And the doors shut behind him. Noah looks up and sees a key hanging from the ceiling.*

Noah: How am I supposed to get up there?

Scarlett over speakers: This is how.

*The vent under Noah start filling with water.*

Noah: *Sighs* It had to come down to this didn't it.

*Camera focuses on Scarlett*

Scarlett: No one shall pass my deadly challenges! Bwahahahahahahahahah! 

*Scarlett lets down her hair and shows her true self*

Scarlett: From now on I will show no mercy!

*Camera focuses on Noah.*

*As the water fills the room Noah swims to the top and reaches for the key.*

Noah: Almost there and...got it!

*Noah swims back down and unlocks the door. The water pours out of the room and Noah keep walking*

Noah's confessional: Wow, that was easy but not easy. *End*

*Camera focuses on Jo*

Jo: I have been walking forever! When will I find something actually interesting. 

*Jo enters a big room filled with Chris Bots*

Scarlett over the speakers: Welcome to the moment of your demise Jo.

Jo: You gotta be kidding me. 

*The Chris Bots turn on a slowly close in on Chris. Jo tries to knock down the bots to they keep getting back up. Then you notices a red button in between spinning saws.*

Jo: Great, just great. 

*Jo slides through the legs of the Chris Bots and runs towards the red button.*

*Camera focuses on Scarlett in the control room.*

Scarlett: This is harder than I expected.

*Camera focuses on Jo*

*Jo carefully steps over the saw and pushes the red button and all the Bots deactivate.*

Jo: Yes! 

*The door opens and Jo keeps going.*

*Camera focuses on Tyler.* 

*Tyler step through a doorway and finds a empty room*

Tyler: Huh?! There nothing here!

*Camera shows Scarlett in the control room.*

Scarlett: Ha! This is-*Hears a knock on the door*

Staci: Hello! Is anyone in there! Did you know my great-great-great-Uncle Lane invented doors the only way to get into your house was to leave a hole in it.

Scarlett: Uhhhhh. How did you get here.

Staci: Oh here. I just kept walking until I saw a sign that said "CONTROL ROOM" isn't that where we're supposed to go?

Scarlett: Ummm.

Chris: And Staci is the winner! Scarlett your out of here.


*Chris is pulling Scarlett back in the slingshot. Scarlett has her arms crossed and won't say anything.*

Chris: Any last words?

Scarlett: ...

Chris: Okay then.

*Scarlett is fired away.*

Chris: Here we are at the final four! Will it be Tyler or Noah or Jo or even Staci. Wanna find out who makes it to the final three. Tune in next time on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn!

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