Episode 4, 8 Remaining

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama, our contestants had a very nice time fishing and eating good food. Some happily than others. In the end Team Brain lost and sent Cameron and Courtney cause of the double elimination round. How will Max, Scarlett and Noah pull of this one. Find out here on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn! *Theme plays*

*Camera shows Noah sulking in the cave.*

Noah's confessional: Darn it! Why din't I vote for Scarlett. Max and Cameron would have been easy targets and easy to eliminate. But I voted for Courtney and had Max and Scarlett vote Cameron. I know for a fact that Courtney voted for me. Max and Scarlett voted for Cameron and Cameron and I vote Courtney. Next elimination ceremony, Scarlett goes. 

Chris: Attention all victims please report to the center of camp, it's challenge time. 


Chris: For this challenge, you must catch a certain someone and bring her back to camp using sleep darts. I'm giving our guest a 30 second head start to hide from you guys. The first team to use the sleep dart on our guest and bring her back to camp wins invincibility. I'll each give you a blowgun and a special blow sleep dart. You only get one chance because there wasn't enough formula to coat the darts in. Now, let us introduce our guest star. Please welcome Dakotazoid! 

Dakotazoid: I guys, hope you can run fast cause you'll never catch me!

Jo: You have gotta be kidding me.

Chris: I was going to use Ezekiel but that challenge already was done so I decided to use Dakotazoid. Okay Dakotazoid you have 30 seconds to hide. Go!

Scarlett: Seriously Chris, she is going to be so easy to find. 

Chris: Not necessarily. We found out that Dakotazoid has been living on this island ever since Wawaknakawa suck. She probably knows her surroundings and she can change color to make it a little extra harder. Oh, 30 seconds is up you can go now. 

*Teams start running*

*Camera focuses on Dakotazoid*

Dakotazoid: Hmmmmm, must find perfect spot. Huh, uh oh there coming!

*Dakotazoid changes her color to blend in with the background.*

*Team Brawn passes by.* 

Duncan: She could be anywhere.

Eva: She could be right in front of us!

Jo: Wait a second! I have an Idea! If we can follow the other team. We can nab Dakotazoid if they find her. 

Eva: Great idea Jo!

Tyler: Yeah! 

*Once Team Brawn passes by, Dakotazoid returns back to normal color and keeps walking.*

Dakotazoid: If Brawns follow Brains. That means that Dakotazoid is not safe if sees Brains. But Dakotazoid want Brains to win cause Jo is mean. I'm gonna go find Brains!

*Camera focuses on Brains*

Scarlett: Maybe instead of we find Dakotazoid, Dakotazoid finds us. Lets think of some of the things Dakotazoid likes. 

Noah: Sam, but he's not here. 

Scarlett: Right, do you know what her favorite foods are?

Noah: No clue, Max how about you. 

Max: I do not wish to involve myself in this matter.  Although Dakotazoid would make a great evil sidekick! Mwahahahah!

Scarlett: We'll your no help. 

Noah: Wait. That's it! Dakotazoid likes camera time! She only auditioned to be on Total Drama cause she likes just being on TV!

Scarlett: That's right! We need to go find a camera! *Team Brain runs back to camp*

*Camera focuses up ahead, where Dakotazoid is looking for Team Brain.*

Dakotazoid: Huh? Oh look people coming, better hide.

*Dakotazoid blends in with her background. And Team Brain passes by.*

Dakotazoid: Wait a second that was Team Brain. Team Brain wait up!

Scarlett: Huh? Look guys I found Dakotazoid!

Jo: Your not the only one that found her.

 *They turn around to see Jo and her team.*

Dakotazoid: Uh oh. Brains, shoot me before they can. 

*Jo and Scarlett both fire at the same time and miss.*

Dakotazoid: Hahaha Jo!

Jo: Let me try again! *Grabs Duncan and Tyler's darts. Jo fires and misses both.

Eva: C'mon Jo!

Jo: I'm trying!

*Noah fires a dart at Dakotazoid. Jo picks up a rock and intercepts the dart.*

*Eva fires and misses*

Jo: Great, now its up to sha-loser over here. 

Lightning: I am not a loser!

*Lightning fires and misses. Jo runs over and steals Max's dart.*

Jo: Take that suckers!

Scarlett: Hey get back here!

*Jo fires the dart and hits Dakotazoid's leg only to create a huge cloud of smoke.*

*When the smoke clears regular Dakota is laying on the ground and begins to stir.*

Dakota: Huh, where am I? Wait, I'm de-mutanized!

Chris: Yep, the dart carried a formula that sucked out radiation from blood. Dakota is back to normal!

Dakota: Does that mean I get to stay and compete.

Chris: Hmmmmm, let me think about that...No

Dakota: What?!

Chris: How about this you can be eliminated with whoever get eliminated on the Brains Team.

Scarlett: But it was out dart that got the win. 

Chris: But it was Jo who blew it. 

Scarlett: Ugh!


Chris: There are two marshmallows on this plate, Dakota cause your not getting one you can go stand by the slingshot. Wow, there is one vote for each of you, either your all going home or theirs a tie-breaker. Okay, there will be a tie-breaker. Answer this quick TD question right and you get to stay, if you all get it right then Dakota is the only one eliminated tonight. Scarlett, what is name of Mike's evil personality, 

Scarlett: Easy, Mal.

Chris: Scarlett get to stay. Noah, please repeat the elimination of this season, 

Noah: Ummmm, Brick, Heather, Cameron/Courtney and Dakota.

Chris: Wrong! Dakota has not been eliminated yet. To the slingshot for you Noah!

Noah: Come on!

Chris: There are final. Max, do you like babies.

Max: No!, I mean yes, I mean no, ugh forget it. 

Chris: We'll that was sad to watch. You out of here!

*Max gets up and walks towards the slingshot.*

*Max, Noah and Dakota are all in the slingshot*

Chris: Looks tights in there does it. Not that that matters cause, goodbye. 

Chris: How will Scarlett win the next challenge. Who can answer simple questions right! Find out next time on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn!

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