Episode 5, 6 Remaining

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama, our campers tried to catch Dakotazoid. And Its was Dakotazoid own stupidity that got the Brawns the win. Also I found a formula that could reverse Dakota's mutation. And I payed a lot of money to do it! Scarlett is also her own team cause Noah and Max went home last episode. How will Scarlett win this next challenge. Should we have had Dakota go home. Find out right here on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn! *Theme plays.*

*Camera focuses on Scarlett*

Scarlett: *Sighs* I should have voted Max. That way Noah would still be here. I'm probably gone this-

Chris: Attention all campers please report to the field! It's time for today's challenge.


Chris: No, this is not the merge!

Everyone: Awwww man!

Chris: But, this is a challenge that does not require teammates. It's a Total Drama trivia challenge. 

Lightning: Say what now?

Chris: You will be each answering Total Drama questions until one team has answered correctly ten times wins invincibility. Now go sit in your chairs and let answer some questions! Oh Scarlett, for a little extra help I letting you choose anyone except me to be on your team for the first challenge. 

Scarlett: *smirks* I think that SIERRA will be fine with being on my team. 

Jo: Come on! If its anyone who knows everything about this show it's Sierra.


Sierra: Hello everyone! Eeeeeeeeeeee! Thank you Scarlett for letting me be in this episode. I tried to audition to get on this season but Chris wouldn't let me in.

Chris: Okay now here's the first question: Who tried to blow up Pakitew island. 

*Scarlett rolls her eyes and everyone starts giggling.*

Sierra: Hehe, Scarlett.

Chris: Correct, that one point for the Brains. 1-0. Next question, is Scarlett evil? 

Scarlett: *she has and angry expression.*

*Everyone is laughing so hard.*

Jo: She's *ha* evil *ha*

Chris: Correct! That ties the scores 1-1, next question


Chris: Whoa! Okay, fine. Is Justin a TD villain?

Sierra: Yes! He was a villain in TDA.  

Chris: Correct! 2-1

*10 minuets later*

Alright scores are 8-7. Brawns have 8 and Brains have 9. Here is the next question. How many personality does Mike have. 

*Contestants start counting their fingers.*

Jo: He has six! He has six!

Chris: Correct! 9-9. Next team to answer correctly wins! Here is the final question: Who is the best TD character.

Lightning: It's SHA-LIGHTNING!

*Jo face palms*

Chris: Wrong! Brains? How about you.

Sierra: Oh! I know it's Chris!

Chris: Correct! And the Brains win. Now Sierra, i'm not going to let you stay. But you can defiantly come next season. 

Sierra: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Chris: *Reading the cards.* Hmmmmm, wow. You all voted for the same person. Except themselves. The first marshmallows go to Eva and Tyler the next one goes to Duncan. The final marshmallow goes to...

Lightning: Shut up and give me my marshmallow already.

Chris: Fine, here you go Jo. 

Jo: Ha! Take that Sha-failure. 

*Chris pulls back Lightning in the slingshot.*

Lightning: This is not fair it want-

Chris: Bye. *Sends Lightning away.* Phew. Next challenge, who will feel the burn? I wonder if our contestants like lava? Tune in next time on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn. 


I'm so sorry if this chapter was too short. I have writers block and didn't have much on my mind. Hopefully i'll get my imagination back in the next two days. Anyway thanks for reading. 


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