Episode 7, 6 Remain

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama. I decided to give our players an easy challenge. But , now I get to give them a extra hard challenge. Staci and Noah joined out campers as they did a run around the island. Staci found the invincibility staff and sent Duncan home. Will Staci lose this challenge? I sure hope so. What will happen to our contestants as they do the hardest challenge of the season. Find out here on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn! *Theme plays.*

*Camera shows Staci relaxing in a lounge chair. Chris walks over*

Chris: Hello Staci, hope your enjoying this, cause you probably wont last very long

Staci: Did you know my great-great-great-aunt Sally invented chairs. Before you just had to sit on the floor. 

Chris: *Sighs* Meet me at the field in one hour. 

Staci's confessional: I know that Chris is impressed with my family cause didn't yell at me. *End*


Chris: For today's challenge as I promised you get a super painful one. For this challenge you have to run around the island while being pursuit-ed by robotic killer animals. If one catches you must return to camp. I promised this challenge to be hard so. I'm giving you a 1 minute head-start. Also there is one invincibility staff somewhere on the island. Find it to gain invincibility. You have under the six hour time, any contestant that doesn't get caught gets a reward in the next challenge. Ready...Go!

*The contestants start running.*

Staci's confessional: I know where the invinciblity staff is. *Pulls it out of the toilet.* I don't think Chris knows, but I used the confessional this morning. I saw it down there but I didn't pull it out. *End*

Eva: Gotta keep an eye out for the invincibility staff. 

Chris through the megaphone: Attention! The invincibility staff has been found. 

Eva: Are you kidding me!!! 

*Eva's yelling get the robot animals attention. And slowly surround her.*

Eva: Oh it's gonna be like that it! Do your best real animal wannabes!

*The animations pull out saws and laser guns.*

*Eva yells and begins to crush the animations one by one. When the smoke clears Eva walks away from all the smashed robot parts on the ground.*

Quick hiding spots: 

Eva: Still walking around

(None of the other campers are aware that the robots are destroyed)

Staci: Hiding in the confessional. 

Scarlett: On the roof of the Mess Hall

Jo: In the spa hotels bedrooms

Noah: On the beach burying himself in sand.

Tyler: On top of the tallest tree on the island. 


*Two hours later*

Chris: It say here that the robots have not found anyone! Chef have you seen the robots or our campers?

Chef: I saw Eva walking around and Staci heading towards the confessional. 

Chris: Hmm, we'll wait and see what happens.

*Three hours later. All the campers are exhausted and need water and food.*

*Camera focuses on Tyler.*

Tyler: So...Hungry...Need food...

Chris: Attention campers! You have 30 minuets left of time. 

Jo: I can't believe that none of the robots have found anyone yet!

*Camera focuses on Noah*

*Noah gets out of the sand and starts walking back to camp. On the way there he sees the pile of robots and gasps and runs back to camp.*

Chris: And...Time is up! Alright campers campfire ceremony.  


Chris: Everyone is safe except Eva.

Eva: What?! What did I do?

Chris: Oh, nothing. Expect destroy all of the robots sent to find you guys! Noah told me everything. 

Noah: It all made sense that you had destroyed the bots. You walked passed me several times. Meaning you knew that it was safe. Also I heard yells coming from the direction that I found the pile of robots in. All the reason for eliminating you. 

Chris: Eva, your out. 

Eva: Nooooooooooo!

Chris: I know its shocking isn't it. 

*Eva is getting pulled back in the sling shot*

Eva: It isn't fair! I'll get you Noah! Karma will get you for what you have done! You'll be sorryyyyyyyyyyyy!

Chris: Finally a player I don't like is gone. Hope that more of them will go so we have a finale where I actually can cheer for someone. Will Staci keep winning at these challenges I give? Will Eva get revenge on Noah for telling the truth?  Find out next time on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn. 

A/U Sorry if this was a little to short. I usually have the word count 800 to 1000. The truth is that I really wanted Eva gone. I'll defiantly put a lot more words in the next chapter. 

Until then


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