Episode 6, 7 Remain

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Chris: Last time on Total Drama. We had a TD trivia challenge for both teams, Scarlett made a good decision and choose Sierra to help her in the challenge. I was neck and neck while in the end Lightning interrupted Jo causing the Brawns to send Lightning packing. We are finally going to merge the teams this episode. What will happen? Find out here on Total Drama Brains VS Brawns! *Theme plays*

*Camera shows Scarlett enjoying her breakfast in the spa hotel.*

Scarlett's confessional: Chris better merge the team this episode. Or i'm going to take over this island! Oops... *End*

Chris: Attention all campers! Please come safely to the field. Its challenge. 

Tyler's confessional: For once Chris wants us to be safe, also i'm surprised I made it this far. Final five here we come. *End*


Chris: As you all know this is a special episode. 

Jo: Why?

Chris: Cause its the merge!

*Cricket noises*

Jo: Yay, I guess

Chris: Aren't you guys exited.

Duncan: Not really

Chris: Oh well then I hope this we'll make you exited. We have a returning player! And I debuting player!

Everyone: Gasps!

Chris: Yes, please welcome Noah!

Noah: Hi guys.

Duncan: First you debut, and now you return. Wow. Alright, who's debuting?

Chris: You are now gonna like this cause please welcome Staci!

Staci: Hi guys! Did you know my great-great-great- 

Everyone: We don't care!

Staci: Awwww bumer.

Scarlett's confessional: Staci is such a easy target. I'll bring her to the finale with me. *End*

Chris: This challenge I thought that this challenge should be very easy. But the next one very deadly. So this challenge will be very easy, its just a quick run around the island. Somewhere on the perimeters around the island is a invincibility staff. Find it and you are safe. That last one to cross the finish line here is eliminated. If you find the staff, but are the last one to arrive. You get to choose who is eliminated. On you marks...get set...GO!

*Everyone but Staci is running.* 

Staci's confessional: I'm going to look for the staff and then be last so I get to choose who is eliminated. 

*Camera focuses on Tyler and Noah.* 

Noah: So...much...running. 

Tyler: Come on Noah, we're only about a quarter there. 

*Camera focuses on Duncan and Eva*

Duncan: Hey Eva. Wanna form an alliance?

Eva: Why not? I'm in

Duncan: First lets look for the invincibility staff, but still run at the same time.

Eva: We're ahead of the others. Look theirs the halfway mark!

*Camera focuses on Jo and Scarlett*

Scarlett: *Decides to play a trick on Jo.* Hey Jo is that the invincibility staff up there. 

Jo: *Looks up* What?! Where?! 

Scarlett: Hahaha! So long sucker!

Jo: Hey! Get back here!

*Camera focuses on Staci*

Staci: Hmm If I were an invincibility staff where would I hide. 

*Staci trips on something in the sand. Gets up and looks on what she fell on.*

Staci: *Finds the invincibility staff* Oh look! It's the invincibility staff! Yes!

Chris: What the heck Staci, you are so far behind all the others.

Staci: We'll not really. Cause I found the invincibility staff.

Chris: No way! Did not expect that one. We'll keep walking I guess.

*Camera focuses on Duncan and Eva*

Eva: Look Duncan! It's the finish line. 

Duncan: *Looks behind* Tyler's catching up on us hurry!

*Eva crosses the finish line.*

Chris: Eva gets first place! And Duncan takes second. And here comes Tyler for third. You guys, i'm just saying, but you aren't out of trouble yet. 

Eva: Why?

Chris: Cause someone found the invincibility staff.

Duncan: No way! Who? 

Chris: You'll find out soon enough

*Camera focuses on Scarlett and Jo. They keep passing each other.*

Jo: There is no way, your going to beat me. 

Scarlett: Wanna bet, cause there is the finish line. 

*Jo and Scarlett both tie.*

Chris: And fourth place is a tie between Jo and Scarlett.

Jo: Do you know who found the invincibility staff?

Chris: Yes, but i'm not saying anything till they arrive.

Scarlett: That leaves Noah or Staci.

*Camera focus on Noah.*

*Noah passes the three quarters mark*

Noah: Yes! Almost there.

*Camera focuses on Staci*

*Staci passes the halfway mark.*

Staci: This is pretty boring having no one to talk to. 

*Camera focuses on Noah.*

Noah: Almost there...and...made it!

Chris: And Noah takes 5th place. 

Duncan: Do you have the immunity staff.

Noah: Nope sorry.

Eva: That can only mean one thing.

Tyler: I'm afraid its true.

Duncan: Oh no.

*Much later*

*Staci reaches the finish line.*

Staci: Hi guys, did you know that my great-great-

Chris: No, I didn't and I don't care. But who do you want eliminated. 

Staci: Ummmm, *Looks at the other contestants.* Ummm, *points to Duncan.* How about you. 

Duncan: What?!

Chris: Sorry dude, your eliminated. 


*Camera shows Duncan getting pulled back in the slingshot.*

Duncan: I hate you Staciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!

Chris: Wow, did not expect what went down today. But who knows. Will Staci pull of another unbelievable stunt? Will I get over the fact that Staci didn't lose. Find out next time on Total Drama Brains VS Brawn. 

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